
  1. whoosh

    ART Cat, Wool And Flowers

  2. whoosh

    VIDEO Sheep Covered In 90-Pounds Of Wool Gets Life-Saving Makeover ❤️

  3. cybercore

    VIDEO For Sale: 1 Red Ferrari. Made of Wool

    The classified ad might read: "Sports car seeks permanent home, very good condition, one lady owner." Oh, and another important point: "Made of wool." After traveling the world for the past five years, British artist Lauren Porter is seeking a permanent home for her knitted red Ferrari...
  4. cybercore

    Tea and cream needed to combat rigours of Russian winter

    BERNE (Reuters) – Hot tea, woolly underwear and face cream are essentials for footballers in the Russian winter where temperatures plunge to minus 15 degrees celsius, according to the players' international union. The Russian season has traditionally avoided the worst of the cold but the...
  5. whoosh

    Urine: The Natural Way to Clean Your Clothes

    When in (Ancient) Rome You've seen that commercial where the woman gets so frustrated with set in stains that she hurls her washing machine out of the window. Getting clothes clean can drive a person crazy; however, perhaps the solution isn't in those expensive store bought detergent. Perhaps...