Yahoo! News - When you sat down for breakfast this morning (assuming you're one of the lucky few that has time for such a luxury) you probably slid your chair up to a 4-legged amalgamation of oak and wood screws. But did you …
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# unconfirmed Still a year or more from final release, the next version of Windows has been making its fair share of appearances on leak sites in recent months. Codenamed Windows Next, the OS release we've come to know as Windows 8 will look much like its recent predecessors on the surface, but...
The Windows 8 talk has really been heating up over the last week or so and today brings speculation about a possible release date for the OS.
Source: Yahoo! News
# blip Late to—but not quite out of—the app store game, Microsoft has a challenger after all: images have surfaced of the Windows 8 App Store, the company's challenger to Apple's Mac app emporium. More*»
Source: Yahoo! News
Microsoft won't have a dedicated operating system for the tablet market until the release of Windows 8 sometime next year, according to a report on Friday.
Source: Yahoo! News
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