
  1. A big Windows 10 update called 'Redstone' is coming next year — and it's named...

    While Windows 10 has yet to officially launch, Microsoft is already working on a big update for the operating system called "Redstone" that will arrive in 2016, according to ZDNet's Mary Jo Foley. Windows 10, scheduled to arrive this summer , will still see regular system updates throughout the...
  2. Windows 8 Microsoft: The future

    Zdnet.com are running an article by Simon Bisset which details recent events around the Windows Blue/8.1 release. The article also goes on to outline what the 8.1 release means for the future development of Windows: Well worth a read if you want to know how Microsoft is changing and why. The...
  3. Windows 8 Core apps update for Windows 8 later this month

    It would seem that before the Blue update Microsft intends to update the core apps that were supplied with the os on shipping. Mary Jo Foley has more: Microsoft to update its core Windows 8 apps well before 'Blue' | ZDNet
  4. Windows 8 Living with Windows 8

    Living with Windows 8: On the desktop, it's just a better Windows 7 | ZDNet
  5. Windows 8 Living with Windows 8: On the desktop, it's just a better Windows 7

    ZDNet has the article. I did not see this elsewhere, if so, sorry.
  6. Windows 7 'Windows' 'DEVICES'

    Windows devices: A cure for the post-PC plague? | ZDNet
  7. Windows 8 'Windows' 'DEVICES'

    Windows devices: A cure for the post-PC plague? | ZDNet
  8. Windows 8 Five things Desktop Linux has to do to beat Windows 8

    *ZDnet : Microsoft, as it did with Vista, is giving Linux another chance to make the gains in the PC market with Windows 8, but can Linux take advantage of this opportunity? Link Removed
  9. Microsoft May Release Windows 8 Beta in September

    Windows 8 may be released as soon as April 2012, according to ZDNet's Mary Jo Foley . Foley writes that according to a "trusted source" Microsoft is on track to release all versions of the OS, including Server and ARM versions, to manufacturing ahead of the originally reported Q2/Q3 2012...
  10. Windows 8 to be released to manufacturing by April?

    Calling it a "not so crazy" Microsoft rumor, ZDNet's Mary Jo Foley cites a source who claims that Microsoft is on track to release Windows 8 to manufacturing by April. Source: Yahoo! News
  11. Windows 8 to be released to manufacturing in April?

    Calling it a "not so crazy" Microsoft rumor, ZDNet's Mary Jo Foley cites a source who claims that Microsoft is on track to release Windows 8 to manufacturing in April. Source: Yahoo! News
  12. Windows 8 May Arrive Early to Fight iPad (But Hopefully Not)

    As Apple's iPad threatens to gobble up PC market share, Microsoft may be moving faster than expected on Windows 8. An anonymous source tells ZDNet's Mary Jo Foley that Microsoft's shooting for an April 2012 release to manufacturing for Windows 8, which will accommodate tablets with a touch-based...
  13. Rumor: Windows 8 rushed for April 2012 to fight iPad

    Microsoft may be stepping up the schedule for Windows 8 to help counter the iPad, a new tip from a reliable source says. Most have it shipping in late 2012 to keep with Microsoft's usually rigid three-year schedule, but ZDNet has been told Microsoft was pressing for a Release To Manufacturing...
  14. Windows 7 INFORMATION SYSTEMS BREACHES - Hackers Claim 177K Email Addresses From Sony Pictures France Breach

    In yet another round of cyber attacks, hackers have stolen more than 177,000 emails from Sony Pictures France, ZDnet reports. The hackers say they wanted to demonstrate the sites insecurity to get them to fix their vulnerabilities. Read Full Story: Hackers Claim 177K Email Addresses from...
  15. Good to Go #12 with Noah and James: Windows 8 and iOS 5

    Noah Kravitz of TechnoBuffalo and James Kendrick of ZDNet present Good to Go: a weekly video show covering the hot topics of the day. This episode is all about Windows 8 and iOS 5. Link Removed
  16. Windows 7? On ARM Tablets? I don't think so!

    ZDNet: "You've got to be kidding me. First, Bloomberg and then the Wall Street Journal reported that at CES next month, Microsoft will unveil a full-featured version of Windows that runs on ARM processors." Link Removed
  17. Windows 7? On ARM Tablets? I don't think so!

    ZDNet: "You've got to be kidding me. First, Bloomberg and then the Wall Street Journal reported that at CES next month, Microsoft will unveil a full-featured version of Windows that runs on ARM processors." Link Removed due to 404 Error
  18. Windows 7 migration: More practical advice

    Wrapping up our Windows 7 migration series, we address outstanding issues such as dealing with problem apps, web browsers and Windows activation ( ZDNet UK - IT At Work ) Link Removed - Invalid URL
  19. Windows 7 migration: The technical case

    Migrating to Windows 7 is both a business decision and a technical one, and we examine the pros and cons from a technical angle ( ZDNet UK - IT At Work ) Link Removed - Invalid URL