Hard to watch or hard not to watch? For those who do not know, The Walking Dead surprisingly became the most popular cable show on American television of all time. Rick Grimes is a police officer in Georgia, who awakens out of a coma in a hospital to find a full blown zombie apocalypse has taken...
Getting tattooed to look like a cadaverous zombie was the best career decision Rick Genest ever made. Seriously. Yeah, there were some people who thought Genest was crazy 10 years ago when he made the fateful decision to tattoo his entire body to look like a cadaver. To be fair, many of those...
The Week in Weird
Did last week feel weird to you? No? Because over here, we ran out of room before we could summarize all of it. So far we have flaming zombies, a woman allegedly attacking a police officer with a sex toy, a wheelchair that really captures the spirit of the urban assault...
Taken from the excellent GameTrailers.com :
Looks like someone might have let the cat out of the bag. The Japanese gaming site GNN has revealed what could be two new levels in the upcoming zombie slaughter fest Left 4 Dead 2. The two campaigns are Dead Center and Hard Rain, which will...
dead center
gaming news
hard rain
left 4 dead
new levels
video games
weather effects