80+ Windows 7 Benchmarks

Thanks man... Hopefully it will come in handy for future ref? Anyway like you say it's a good read..
When Vista was released everybody seemed to be critical with little if no positive reactions, with Windows 7 it's the opposite; everybody seems to be postive and very few seem to be critical. Why do people always act like parrots?
Don't get me wrong, I think Windows 7 is the best Windows OS ever, but personally still see way too many issues with Windows 7 that just bug the hell out of me. Most of them are the same issues that have plagued previous Windows versions, others are issues introduced with Windows 7.

Just 1 example; it's still not possible, at least not in an easy way, to move the complete users folder to a different partition or drive, esepcially if you want this AFTER you've installed 7.
Hi Jdonner,

I'm pretty sure everyone knows that there are faults with 7 (what os is released without any?) but we were discussing that the above article was a decent read.....but.... Like I said you are correct, some bugs in 7 need to be addressed and hopefully with time they will be.