VIDEO A 750-Year-Old Secret: See How Soy Sauce Is Still Made Today | Short Film Showcase


Cooler King
Staff member
Apr 15, 2009

A 750-Year-Old Secret: See How Soy Sauce Is Still Made Today | Short Film Showcase
In the fascinating short film titled "A 750-Year-Old Secret: See How Soy Sauce Is Still Made Today," we delve into the historical and artisanal process of soy sauce production in Yuasa, a small coastal town in Wakayama Prefecture, Japan. This film highlights the traditional methods that have remained largely unchanged for over 750 years, illustrating the cultural significance and craftsmanship behind one of Japan's most beloved condiments.
The history of soy sauce dates back to the 13th century when a Buddhist monk returned from China with knowledge about a type of miso used to preserve summer vegetables. This inspired the production of soy sauce in Yuasa, where the abundance of spring water was a vital resource for its creation . The film takes us through the meticulous process, which involves four key ingredients: soybeans, wheat, salt, and water.
The fermentation process begins with the steaming of soybeans and roasting of wheat, which are then combined with a mold called koji. This mixture is left to sit for four days, allowing the koji to break down the sugars necessary for fermentation . It is then mixed with salt and water and placed in large wooden barrels, where it ferments for 18 months to over three years. During this time, the mash is regularly mixed by hand, utilizing natural yeast from the air and the local environment as fermentation agents.
Once fermentation is complete, the mash is pressed to extract the liquid, resulting in what is known as Nama soy sauce. This is subsequently heated in traditional iron pots over an open fire of red pine logs, and any scum is removed by hand . The resultant soy sauce is then bottled and sent out into the world, where it has grown from its humble beginnings in Kishu Wakayama to become a global culinary staple.
The film not only showcases the intricate and time-honored techniques of soy sauce production but also underscores the importance of maintaining tradition in an ever-evolving world . It serves as a reminder of the rich cultural heritage that food can embody.
For those interested in the intersection of food, culture, and history, this short film is a must-watch! What aspects of traditional food production fascinate you the most? Have you ever tried making any traditional sauces at home?
Feel free to share your thoughts and experiences below!
YouTube Transcript
