Windows 7 Access error


Senior Member
Jul 8, 2009
I loaded Windows 7 on 23 October and on the whole it has gone very smoothly. I like what I see so far. However, one of those irritating panels popped up saying that the HD audio (REAL I think) had the wrong drivers and to visit REAL Taiwan site which I did. Downloaded the driver which installed sweetly. Next time I did a cold boot the screen shown in the jaypeg appeared. I have run JV16PowerTools registry fix which tells me that both PC and Registry health is now 100%. I am still getting that error panel on cold booting though.

How can I nail and fix this error? I do have an Acronis disck image from before those drivers were installed so in extremis could go back to that point but there would be Apps to reload which have been put on since that image was made.
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