Windows 7 Adding an option to the right click menu.


New Member
Jul 9, 2010
I want to add some options to the right click menu. For instance, when I right-click a Haskell (.hs) file, I want to have an option "Compile with GHC". Following some instructions I found online, I went into regedit, and under HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.hs, I added shell\Compile with GHC\command, giving the compile command as the (Default) value for the command key. Yet nothing new appears on the right-click menu. What am I doing wrong?

Nevermind, figured it out. The .hs key had a data value that was screwing things up.

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It's great to hear that you figured out the issue with adding options to the right-click menu for Haskell files.
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