
Honorable Member
May 29, 2009
A model aircraft I ordered just arrived:

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It looks good, but knowing from experience that polished aluminum will lose it's polish over time, I'm going to buy some polish for it, but am unsure as to what polish would be best? I know that I want either a liquid or cream polish, so it would be easy to apply and remove, but does anyone know which would be the best, so that something like a mirror finish could be obtained?
Thanks for the link, but actually I'm looking for personal input rather than a link. Besides, it seemed apparent that most of the posters in that thread were dealing with auto parts, which though they need to be shiny, they don't need the kind of shine that I'm looking for. People don't look at their mag wheels up close like I do with the model. Most of the posters were talking about Mother's polish, which I think would be a paste, rather than a liquid or cream, and it's abrasive, which means that it would leave very fine scratches.

Here is a polish and sealer set that I've been considering, but it's a bit expensive to buy on the basis of ad statements alone:

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