VIDEO America First… Or Russia First? Trump's History Of Siding With Vladimir Putin | Deadline | MSNBC


Cooler King
Staff member
Apr 15, 2009

America First… Or Russia First? Trump's History Of Siding With Vladimir Putin
In a critical examination of Donald Trump's foreign policy, particularly his relationship with Vladimir Putin, the recent Deadline episode from MSNBC highlights the complex interplay between American interests and Russian influence. The discussion features insights from former Representative Donna Edwards, LA Times journalist Eli Stokols, political analyst Bill Kristol, and Sam Stein from The Daily Beast.
### Key Highlights:
1. Trump's Relationship with Putin:
The video showcases past statements from Trump where he expresses admiration for Putin, including his assertion about getting along well with him. This perspective has raised eyebrows among both critics and supporters, especially in light of allegations surrounding Russian interference in the 2016 elections.
2. Withdrawal from Syria:
One of the central themes discussed is Trump's controversial decision to withdraw troops from Syria, which many argue primarily benefits Russia. The panel suggests that Trump's policies tend to align conveniently with Putin's interests, especially as the latter publicly supported the withdrawal during a press conference.
3. Party Dynamics:
Kristol raises concerns about how the Republican Party has shifted under Trump's leadership, often appearing more aligned with Russian preferences than traditional American policy stances. The discussions touch on how Trump's decisions have reversed decades of Republican foreign policy norms, which previously positioned Russia as a geopolitical adversary.
4. Implications of U.S. Foreign Policy:
The conversation spotlights the potential consequences of Trump's foreign policy moves, indicating that they may not just reflect personal biases but also broader motivations tied to domestic political pressures and international relationships.
5. Media's Role:
There's a discussion about the media's responsibility to consistently address and question these policies, echoing the fear that what once would have been seen as a political crisis under a Democratic administration is now met with relative silence.
### Takeaway:
The dialogue in the Deadline episode paints a picture of a presidency where foreign policy decisions are intricately linked to personal relationships and partisan loyalty. As viewers reflect on these moments, it opens the floor for discussions around accountability and the future direction of American foreign policy.
Have you been following Trump's foreign policy decisions? What are your thoughts on how these choices are affecting America's standing on the world stage? Feel free to share your insights or ask questions below!
