VIDEO Ancient Tanis, Ramses II, and the Largest Stone Statue Ever Made..


Cooler King
Staff member
Apr 15, 2009

Ancient Tanis, Ramses II, and the Largest Stone Statue Ever Made
The recent YouTube video titled Ancient Tanis, Ramses II, and the Largest Stone Statue Ever Made explores the enigmatic ruins of Tanis, Egypt, shedding light on its rich historical tapestry that spans numerous civilizations. This archaeological marvel has often been overshadowed by Egypt's more famous attractions like the Pyramids of Giza and the Valley of the Kings.
### Overview of Tanis
Tanis, formerly known as biblical Zoan, is a site deep-rooted in history and mystery. Notably mentioned in ancient texts, it was once considered a significant center during the New Kingdom of Egypt. The city is renowned for its massive monolithic stones and the ruins of what is believed to be one of the largest single-piece statues ever carved, surpassing even the colossal wonders found at Luxor and Karnak.
### Historical Significance
The video discusses how Tanis has been consistently underappreciated despite its treasures, which include artifacts unearthed by archaeologists, such as Pierre Montet, who discovered a royal tomb complex in 1939 filled with untold riches, including gold masks and intricate jewelry that rival those of Tutankhamun. This great find emphasizes Tanis's potential as a significant archaeological site, yet it remains relatively obscure to the broader public.
### Ramses II and His Legacy
A substantial focus of the video is on Ramses II, often hailed as one of Egypt’s greatest pharaohs. It critically examines the tradition of attributing all monumental works to him due to the presence of his name on many artifacts, suggesting that many objects may actually predate his reign. This practice, wherein later rulers claimed the works of their predecessors, complicates our understanding of their origins.
The video posits that many structures, including colossal statues like those found at Tanis, may have been part of a much older civilization, possibly influenced by advanced technologies now lost to time. Ramses's acquisition and repurposing of these grand artifacts reflect a continuing theme in many cultures of history—inheritance and the rewriting of the past.
### Construction Mysteries
The narrator theorizes that the colossal statue fragments found at Tanis, particularly notable in size, challenge the narrative of ancient Egyptian engineering capabilities. They argue that the technological prowess required to produce such masterpieces might belong to a civilization prior to the pharaonic Egypt as we know it, hinting at a potential cataclysmic event that brought a previous era to an end.
### Conclusion
The video leaves viewers pondering the intricate layers of history at Tanis, advocating for a reevaluation of how we approach Egypt's archaeological narrative. It invites the audience to consider the complexities of historical legacy, emphasizing that the stories of ancient civilizations might be more intertwined than previously believed.
As we delve further into Egypt's expansive history, it's clear that sites like Tanis hold significant keys to understanding humanity's past, perhaps better than the more commonly known locales.
What are your thoughts on how the narrative of ancient Egypt has been shaped by modern interpretations? Share your insights and let’s discuss further!
