Ageless Stranger

New Member
Jan 11, 2009
Has anyone here jumped in at the deep end and got the G1 from HTC?

I have to say, I have had a couple of WinMo devices and found them to be quite natural to use, that is until I got the G1 running Android. Even with its current limitations, it is a damn sweet device. Sorry Microsoft, I know I worked for you for 5 freaking years but the Android is the best embedded device I have ever had the pleasure of owning.

I know its new, its a few months old but give it 6 months or so and there will be so much available for it, it will blow the likes of the iPhone out of the water, leaving WinMo in its wake.
I just 'found' one. Long story, but the short of it is that I'll be sticking with WinMo for some time.

What WinMo devices did you have?

I have an HTC Hermes and an HTC Kaiser (Att 8528 and Att tilt respectively)

If you have an HTC, I highly recommend that you check out
I started off with a pocket PC device running CE and for the life of me I cannot remember it's name, but after than I had a Blue Angel and with the help of XDA Devs I changed ROMS a few times Great site that, I wont root my G1 yet, I have no desire or need to yet.
Over the past year, Android has developed faster and appeared in the most than any other smartphone operating system. Each major update was more capable and advanced Android, while business-customized interfaces, such as HTC and Motorola, which is constantly and continually changing forms.