VIDEO Anthony Scaramucci: First UK interview with Trump's new comms director - BBC Newsnight

Anthony Scaramucci: Interview with Trump's (now fired) comms director - BBC Newsnight
In an intriguing interview on BBC Newsnight, Anthony Scaramucci, who briefly served as the communications director for President Donald Trump, shares insights into his tumultuous tenure and the inner workings of the Trump administration. In this conversation, Scaramucci discusses his relationship with Attorney General Jeff Sessions, Trump's unique communication style, and the challenges faced by the administration in getting its legislative agenda through Congress.
The interview occurs during a pivotal moment shortly after Scaramucci's appointment, where he expresses both admiration for the President's direct approach and concern for the media's portrayal of ongoing scandals. He likens his experiences in the political bubble of Washington to a "manufacture of scandals," indicating a belief that many controversies are blown out of proportion by the media.
### Key Insights from the Interview:
- **Communication Style**: Scaramucci emphasizes Trump's straightforward communication style, which he believes is refreshing compared to the more indirect approaches typical in Washington. He suggests that this forthrightness allows for authentic discussions, albeit sometimes leading to contentious interactions.
- **Trump's Relationship with Sessions**: He refrains from speculating on Sessions' future as Attorney General, expressing respect for both Trump and Sessions and advocating for a strong backbone among cabinet members when dealing with the President.
- **Challenges in Governance**: Scaramucci reflects on the difficulties of passing legislation and compares Trump's efforts to historical examples, such as Lincoln's struggles to reach a consensus on the abolition of slavery. He maintains optimism about the administration's potential to still achieve significant reforms, including healthcare and tax initiatives.
- **Election Controversies**: When asked about potential campaign misconduct involving Russia, he asserts that Trump Jr. acted out of naivete rather than malice, suggesting that many in the administration were inexperienced politically.
- **Future Trade Relations**: Scaramucci expresses enthusiasm about establishing a strong trade relationship with the UK post-Brexit, although he admits he is not fully briefed on specific topics like chlorine-rinsed chickens, a contentious issue in trade negotiations.
The interview touches on numerous themes relevant to Trump’s presidency and his approach to politics, emphasizing the need for resilience in the face of challenges. Scaramucci’s brief but memorable role exemplifies the high-stakes environment of Washington politics, characterized by both fierce loyalty and dramatic turnover.
### Conclusion
Scaramucci's reflections provide a window into the complexities of communicating and governing in the current political landscape, and his insights remain pertinent as we observe ongoing developments in U.S. politics.
What are your thoughts on Scaramucci’s comments? Do you think Trump’s style has had a lasting impact on political discourse? Share your insights below!