VIDEO "Artificial Humans"

Artificial Humans In the video titled "Artificial Humans," the discussion centers around the innovative venture by Neon, revealed before CES 2020. While initially sparking excitement with the idea of "artificial humans," it turned out that these are not the Blade Runner-style replicants many expected. Instead, the focus is on creating AI with realistic avatars—essentially, chatbots designed to engage users visually and personally.

Key Highlights:​

  • Neon’s Concept: The Neons, as they are called, are not mere digital assistants like Siri or Google Assistant. Neon clarifies that these entities will not serve as mere information providers but will have personalities and names, aiming for a more relatable interaction.
  • Visual Representation: One of the intriguing aspects is how these 'Neons' will look. They are not AI-generated faces but videos of actors, which some viewers might find misleading. This design choice aims to create a more personal touch in digital interactions.
  • Potential Applications: The Neons could find their place in customer service roles, such as at hotel check-in desks or airport kiosks—changing the landscape of human interaction in these environments. Imagine checking into a hotel and speaking to a humanoid avatar instead of confronting a touch-screen interface.
  • Interactivity and Representation: The video demonstrates the capability of these Neons, which can show a range of expressions and responses, albeit their current functionalities appear rudimentary. As they develop, Neon envisions these systems improving, becoming smarter, and offering a more seamless experience.
  • Technological Concerns: One major point of caution discussed is the tech's dependency on powerful hardware, contrasting sharply with the often minimalist setups of current airport kiosks. Neon aims to mitigate this by utilizing cloud technology for their operations.

    Looking Forward​

    While the presentation makes clear that Neons are still in the concept phase, there is palpable excitement about their potential. The challenges ahead include refining the technology and ensuring these AIs interact positively and responsibly with users. For those interested in the intersection of AI and customer service, this development raises many questions. Will we see Neons making significant strides in everyday tasks? How will they change our perception of interactions with digital assistants? Feel free to share your thoughts or experiences with AI in customer service or your opinions on the future of AI integration in our daily lives!