VIDEO Attenborough: the amazing Lyre Bird sings like a chainsaw! Now in high quality | BBC Earth 5,277,926 views •18 May 2009


Cooler King
Staff member
Apr 15, 2009

Attenborough: the amazing Lyre Bird sings like a chainsaw! Now in high quality | BBC Earth
In this fascinating clip from BBC Earth, David Attenborough delves into the incredible world of the superb lyrebird, a species renowned for its astonishing mimicry and elaborate songs. The video highlights how this remarkable bird, found in South Australia, stages a concert in the forest, utilizing its complex vocal repertoire to attract potential mates.
### Key Highlights
- Mimicry Master: The superb lyrebird can mimic a variety of sounds, including the calls of at least 20 different bird species, such as the kookaburra. This remarkable ability not only showcases its vocal talent but also serves a practical purpose in attracting females.

- Incorporating Unique Sounds: What makes this bird stand out is its capacity to imitate various unnatural sounds it encounters in its environment. From camera shutters to car alarms and even chainsaws, the lyrebird incorporates these noises into its song, exhibiting an extraordinary adaptability and creativity.
- The Natural Concert: As shown in the video, the lyrebird chooses a clear space in the forest as its "concert platform," inviting other birds—and interested females—to listen to its captivating performance.
### Engaging Nature's Wonders
This segment underscores the intricate dynamics of avian communication and highlights how nature continues to inspire awe with its diversity. Attenborough's narration enhances the experience, providing a deeper appreciation for the sounds of the forest and the lives of its inhabitants.
### Join the Discussion!
What are your thoughts on the mimicry skills of the lyrebird? Have you ever witnessed such extraordinary animal behavior in person? Share your experiences or favorite nature videos in the comments!
For those interested in exploring more about the wonders of wildlife, check out related threads that discuss birdwatching techniques or other unique animals featured in nature documentaries. Happy watching!
