Windows 7 BSODs shortly after startup.


New Member
Sep 8, 2012
I recently built a new PC running Win 7 64-bit, and have been plagued with BSODs that occur within five minutes of starting the computer. If they don't happen within five minutes, then the computer will run perfectly well until I have to restart or shut down for whatever reason. The errors are inconsistent. I've got several BAD_POOL_HEADERs and a couple MEMORY_MANAGEMENT, and a few others. I did run a single pass of Memtest, and found nothing. I'm worried that I've got bad memory, worst case. If it turns out to be drivers I've got no idea which ones could be the problem ones. All the info needed should be in the zipped file, and I've got system specs on my profile. Thank you!


Run MemTest86+ for a minimum of 3 passes.

I ran 7 memory dumps
There were 5 different BSOD error codes cited
and 6 different causes blamed

This is most likely a hardware problem. They (hardware problems) are usually caused by one of these things:
- borked (broken) hardware (several different procedures used to isolate the problem device)
- overclocking - You'll know if you're overclocking or not. If uncertain we can suggest things to check.
- compatibility issues (3rd party hardware/drivers)
- low-level driver problems
- or even malware (scanned for when we ask for hardware diagnostics from Link Removed - Invalid URL or Link Removed - Invalid URL ).

We've seen a number of BSOD issues with SSD's. Here's the...
Run MemTest86+ for a minimum of 3 passes.

I ran 7 memory dumps
There were 5 different BSOD error codes cited
and 6 different causes blamed

This is most likely a hardware problem. They (hardware problems) are usually caused by one of these things:
- borked (broken) hardware (several different procedures used to isolate the problem device)
- overclocking - You'll know if you're overclocking or not. If uncertain we can suggest things to check.
- compatibility issues (3rd party hardware/drivers)
- low-level driver problems
- or even malware (scanned for when we ask for hardware diagnostics from Link Removed - Invalid URL or Link Removed - Invalid URL ).

We've seen a number of BSOD issues with SSD's. Here's the information that I've compiled so far:
There's not a whole bunch available to test SSD's. The "easiest" test is to remove the SSD, install a platter-based hard drive, install Windows and test for stability that way.

Here's some suggestions:
- Update the SSD's firmware to the latest available version (VERY IMPORTANT!!!)
- Update the motherboard controllers drivers to the latest available version from the controller manufacturer (NOT the mobo manufacturer unless you can't find any on the controller manufacturer's website)
- Slow the memory (RAM) down to the next slower speed (I've only seen one person who claimed that this worked for them).
- Use any manufacturer's utilities that you may have. If you don't have any, then try this free one (I haven't used it myself): Crystal Dew World
- Update chipset and storage controller drivers to the latest available from the manufacturer of the device (not the manufacturer of the motherboard). Be sure to update ALL controllers on the motherboard!
....NOTE: Recently (Nov 2011) we had BSOD issues with the Marvell 91xx controller and an SSD. You may have to switch controllers also.
- Replace the SSD with a platter based hard drive and see if that stops the BSOD's. If it does, then it's likely that there's a problem with the SSD OR an incompatibility with your system.
It's my opinion that SSD's aren't reliable enough (with current hardware) to be used on a system that needs to work reliably. Until I see reliability I will not recommend, nor will I use, SSD's for critical applications.
06 Dec 2011 - This post tends to confirm issues with certain SSD chipsets and certain controllers - [SOLVED] cant find the cause of BSOD F4 - Tech Support Forum
29 May 2012 - The frequency of BSOD's with SSD's seems to have been decreasing over the last several months. It may be approaching time to re-evaluate my stand on their suitability for use in production systems.

USB drivers are not installed - I suspect that they're your USB 3.0 drivers. Please visit the Asus website and download/install them.
Universal Serial Bus (USB) Controller PCI\VEN_1B21&DEV_1042&SUBSYS_84881043&REV_00\4&3927C719&0&00E7 The drivers for this device are not installed.

There's a 2007 driver from EnTech (se64a.sys) that could be causing your issues. It's related to several programs from EnTech and is used in their monitor information utilities (MonInfo, Monitor Asset Manager, etc). Which of these is related to any utilities that you may have installed? Their free software is located here: EnTech Taiwan If unable to identify the device, post back and we'll describe a safe way of removing this driver. Please post back if you are able to identify the program associated with this driver (so we can add it to the Driver Reference Table )

If the above stuff doesn't fix the BSOD problem, then we'll have to start looking at hardware causes. Please start with these free hardware diagnostics: Link Removed - Invalid URL

The following is for information purposes only.
[FONT=lucida console]**************************Sat Sep  8 15:07:39.925 2012 (UTC - 4:00)**************************
Loading Dump File [C:\Users\John\_jcgriff2_\dbug\__Kernel__\090812-2964-01.dmp]
Windows 7 Kernel Version [B]7601 [/B](Service Pack 1) MP (4 procs) Free x64
Built by: [B]7601[/B].17835.amd64fre.win7sp1_gdr.120503-2030
System Uptime:[B]0 days 0:00:37.143[/B]
BugCheck Code: [B]BugCheck 19, {20, fffffa800b29f000, fffffa800b29f250, 4250000}[/B]
*** WARNING: Unable to verify timestamp for eamonm.sys
*** ERROR: Module load completed but symbols could not be loaded for eamonm.sys
Probably caused by :[B]eamonm.sys ( eamonm+75e5 )[/B]
BugCheck Info: [B]BAD_POOL_HEADER (19)[/B]
BUGCHECK_STR:  0x19_20
PROCESS_NAME: [B]firefox.exe[/B]
FAILURE_BUCKET_ID: [B]X64_0x19_20_eamonm+75e5[/B]
CPUID:        "Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3570K CPU @ 3.40GHz"
MaxSpeed:     3400
CurrentSpeed: [B]3410[/B]
  BIOS Version                  0704
  BIOS Release Date             02/14/2012
  Manufacturer                  System manufacturer
  Product Name                  System Product Name
**************************Sat Sep  8 14:51:07.315 2012 (UTC - 4:00)**************************
Loading Dump File [C:\Users\John\_jcgriff2_\dbug\__Kernel__\090812-4352-01.dmp]
Windows 7 Kernel Version [B]7601 [/B](Service Pack 1) MP (4 procs) Free x64
Built by: [B]7601[/B].17835.amd64fre.win7sp1_gdr.120503-2030
System Uptime:[B]0 days 0:01:17.549[/B]
BugCheck Code: [B]BugCheck C5, {d8000d, 2, 0, fffff80002ff5a9b}[/B]
*** WARNING: Unable to verify timestamp for eamonm.sys
*** ERROR: Module load completed but symbols could not be loaded for eamonm.sys
*** WARNING: Unable to verify checksum for win32k.sys
Probably caused by :[B]Pool_Corruption ( nt!ExDeferredFreePool+1df )[/B]
FAILURE_BUCKET_ID: [B]X64_0xC5_2_nt!ExDeferredFreePool+1df[/B]
CPUID:        "Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3570K CPU @ 3.40GHz"
MaxSpeed:     3400
CurrentSpeed: [B]3410[/B]
  BIOS Version                  0704
  BIOS Release Date             02/14/2012
  Manufacturer                  System manufacturer
  Product Name                  System Product Name
**************************Sat Sep  8 14:48:47.519 2012 (UTC - 4:00)**************************
Loading Dump File [C:\Users\John\_jcgriff2_\dbug\__Kernel__\090812-4290-01.dmp]
Windows 7 Kernel Version [B]7601 [/B](Service Pack 1) MP (4 procs) Free x64
Built by: [B]7601[/B].17835.amd64fre.win7sp1_gdr.120503-2030
System Uptime:[B]0 days 0:00:26.737[/B]
BugCheck Code: [B]BugCheck 1A, {41790, fffffa8004ffba80, ffff, 0}[/B]
Probably caused by :[B]ntkrnlmp.exe ( nt! ?? ::FNODOBFM::`string'+355e4 )[/B]
BugCheck Info: [B]MEMORY_MANAGEMENT (1a)[/B]
BUGCHECK_STR:  0x1a_41790
PROCESS_NAME: [B]WerFault.exe[/B]
FAILURE_BUCKET_ID: [B]X64_0x1a_41790_nt!_??_::FNODOBFM::_string_+355e4[/B]
CPUID:        "Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3570K CPU @ 3.40GHz"
MaxSpeed:     3400
CurrentSpeed: [B]3467[/B]
  BIOS Version                  0704
  BIOS Release Date             02/14/2012
  Manufacturer                  System manufacturer
  Product Name                  System Product Name
**************************Sat Sep  8 14:46:47.550 2012 (UTC - 4:00)**************************
Loading Dump File [C:\Users\John\_jcgriff2_\dbug\__Kernel__\090812-4258-01.dmp]
Windows 7 Kernel Version [B]7601 [/B](Service Pack 1) MP (4 procs) Free x64
Built by: [B]7601[/B].17835.amd64fre.win7sp1_gdr.120503-2030
System Uptime:[B]1 days 20:14:24.768[/B]
BugCheck Code: [B]BugCheck 19, {20, fffffa800d2fda00, fffffa800d2fdc50, 4250005}[/B]
*** WARNING: Unable to verify timestamp for eamonm.sys
*** ERROR: Module load completed but symbols could not be loaded for eamonm.sys
Probably caused by :[B]eamonm.sys ( eamonm+75e5 )[/B]
BugCheck Info: [B]BAD_POOL_HEADER (19)[/B]
BUGCHECK_STR:  0x19_20
PROCESS_NAME: [B]firefox.exe[/B]
FAILURE_BUCKET_ID: [B]X64_0x19_20_eamonm+75e5[/B]
CPUID:        "Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3570K CPU @ 3.40GHz"
MaxSpeed:     3400
CurrentSpeed: [B]3410[/B]
  BIOS Version                  0704
  BIOS Release Date             02/14/2012
  Manufacturer                  System manufacturer
  Product Name                  System Product Name
**************************Sat Sep  1 19:40:26.769 2012 (UTC - 4:00)**************************
Loading Dump File [C:\Users\John\_jcgriff2_\dbug\__Kernel__\090112-8580-01.dmp]
Windows 7 Kernel Version [B]7601 [/B](Service Pack 1) MP (4 procs) Free x64
Built by: [B]7601[/B].17835.amd64fre.win7sp1_gdr.120503-2030
System Uptime:[B]0 days 0:00:14.002[/B]
BugCheck Code: [B]BugCheck 24, {1904fb, fffff88006525408, fffff88006524c60, fffff880016dc5e7}[/B]
*** WARNING: Unable to verify checksum for win32k.sys
Probably caused by :[B]Ntfs.sys ( Ntfs!NtfsTeardownStructures+77 )[/B]
BugCheck Info: [B]NTFS_FILE_SYSTEM (24)[/B]
FAILURE_BUCKET_ID: [B]X64_0x24_Ntfs!NtfsTeardownStructures+77[/B]
CPUID:        "Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3570K CPU @ 3.40GHz"
MaxSpeed:     3400
CurrentSpeed: [B]3410[/B]
  BIOS Version                  0704
  BIOS Release Date             02/14/2012
  Manufacturer                  System manufacturer
  Product Name                  System Product Name
**************************Sat Aug 18 23:50:47.258 2012 (UTC - 4:00)**************************
Loading Dump File [C:\Users\John\_jcgriff2_\dbug\__Kernel__\081812-5803-01.dmp]
Windows 7 Kernel Version [B]7600 [/B]MP (4 procs) Free x64
Built by: [B]7600[/B].17017.amd64fre.win7_gdr.120503-2030
System Uptime:[B]0 days 0:04:20.257[/B]
BugCheck Code: [B]BugCheck 1A, {41790, fffffa80052e6e40, ffff, 0}[/B]
Probably caused by :[B]ntkrnlmp.exe ( nt! ?? ::FNODOBFM::`string'+33486 )[/B]
BugCheck Info: [B]MEMORY_MANAGEMENT (1a)[/B]
BUGCHECK_STR:  0x1a_41790
PROCESS_NAME: [B]WerFault.exe[/B]
FAILURE_BUCKET_ID: [B]X64_0x1a_41790_nt!_??_::FNODOBFM::_string_+33486[/B]
CPUID:        "Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3570K CPU @ 3.40GHz"
MaxSpeed:     3400
CurrentSpeed: [B]3410[/B]
  BIOS Version                  0704
  BIOS Release Date             02/14/2012
  Manufacturer                  System manufacturer
  Product Name                  System Product Name
**************************Fri Aug 17 13:37:26.960 2012 (UTC - 4:00)**************************
Loading Dump File [C:\Users\John\_jcgriff2_\dbug\__Kernel__\081712-5772-01.dmp]
Windows 7 Kernel Version [B]7600 [/B]MP (4 procs) Free x64
Built by: [B]7600[/B].17017.amd64fre.win7_gdr.120503-2030
System Uptime:[B]0 days 0:00:06.271[/B]
BugCheck Code: [B]BugCheck A, {68005faf0a0, 2, 1, fffff80002ceeecf}[/B]
Probably caused by :[B]memory_corruption ( nt!MiReplenishPageSlist+100 )[/B]
BugCheck Info: [B]IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL (a)[/B]
FAILURE_BUCKET_ID: [B]X64_0xA_nt!MiReplenishPageSlist+100[/B]

3rd Party Drivers:The following is for information purposes only. Any drivers in red should be updated.
[FONT=lucida console]**************************Sat Sep  8 15:07:39.925 2012 (UTC - 4:00)**************************
[B]se64a.sys                   Thu May  3 01:50:31 2007 (46397827)[/B]
GEARAspiWDM.sys             Mon May 18 08:17:04 2009 (4A1151C0)
intelppm.sys                Mon Jul 13 19:19:25 2009 (4A5BC0FD)
amdxata.sys                 Fri Mar 19 12:18:18 2010 (4BA3A3CA)
e1c62x64.sys                Wed Jul 20 12:37:53 2011 (4E270461)
LEqdUsb.Sys                 Fri Sep  2 02:22:56 2011 (4E607640)
LHidEqd.Sys                 Fri Sep  2 02:22:59 2011 (4E607643)
LHidFilt.Sys                Fri Sep  2 02:23:09 2011 (4E60764D)
LMouFilt.Sys                Fri Sep  2 02:23:15 2011 (4E607653)
athrx.sys                   Fri Oct 21 05:45:10 2011 (4EA13F26)
HECIx64.sys                 Wed Nov  9 19:52:25 2011 (4EBB2049)
iaStor.sys                  Tue Nov 29 22:39:19 2011 (4ED5A567)
RTKVHD64.sys                Tue Jan  3 05:51:09 2012 (4F02DD9D)
iusb3hub.sys                Thu Jan  5 06:54:43 2012 (4F058F83)
iusb3xhc.sys                Thu Jan  5 06:54:45 2012 (4F058F85)
iusb3hcs.sys                Thu Jan  5 06:56:40 2012 (4F058FF8)
truecrypt.sys               Tue Feb  7 04:09:36 2012 (4F30EA50)
epfwwfpr.sys                Wed Mar  7 09:28:53 2012 (4F5770A5)
eamonm.sys                  Wed Mar  7 09:32:36 2012 (4F577184)
ehdrv.sys                   Wed Mar  7 09:33:42 2012 (4F5771C6)
nvhda64v.sys                Wed Apr 18 13:07:54 2012 (4F8EF4EA)
nvlddmkm.sys                Tue May 15 03:35:36 2012 (4FB20748)
SbieDrv.sys                 Sun Jun 17 03:51:48 2012 (4FDD8C94)
**************************Fri Aug 17 13:37:26.960 2012 (UTC - 4:00)**************************
[B]amdxata.sys                 Tue May 19 13:56:59 2009 (4A12F2EB)[/B]
se64a.sys - this driver hasn't been added to the DRT as of this run. Please search Google/Bing for the driver if additional information is needed. This is the 2007 driver from EnTech that I discussed earlier.
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Alright, thank you very much! I'll hunt down those drivers.
I did notice that my sandboxing program (Sandboxie) appears to conflict with my antivirus (ESET Antivirus 5) immediately after startup, causing most of those BSOD. Bizarre, I'll have to check their forums.
I don't have any of those EnTech Taiwan programs at all. Are those programs the only ones that use it?
And I cannot for the life of me find these USB drivers. I updated my Asus BIOS, but it still looks driverless. It's also separate from the rest of my USB stuff, 3.0 and otherwise.

Edit: Sure enough, Sandboxie is causing the BAD_POOL_HEADER BSOD. Guess I'd better find something else.


  • usb.webp
    57.7 KB · Views: 401
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I'm glad that you found the issue with Sandboxie. Do you have a link to the post(s) where it mentions it? I'd like to add it to my Link Removed and Link Removed webpages.

I was searching for Sandboxie and the BAD_POOL_HEADER BSOD, as that's what it gave me every time, and stumbled across this.
Link Removed due to 404 Error
I do wonder if it is indeed ESET conflicting with Sandboxie or it it's something else, but it seems likely that that's the case. I do know that Sandboxie is part of the problem, whatever it is.

Thanks! It looks like it's a known problem - but it appears that updating to the latest versions of both programs is the "cure" at this time.

BSOD's are commonly (IMO) due to conflicts between 2 (or more) 3rd party programs. But it's rare for us to actually find an example of this. Thanks for the input, I'll add it to my web pages with a link to here!

BSOD is the most common problem i have ever encountered. The blue screen is caused when some files or the whole Windows gets corrupted. This could be due to virus infections also. If it is still running, you should repair it using the same disc, used for installation. Else, you got to re-install the Windows. It's better to re-install the Windows. If it runs fine then put a latest and updated antivirus program on your system and perform a full scan on it.

Added the ESET/SandBoxie stuff to my BSOD Index here: Link Removed
and here: Link Removed - Invalid URL

Still trying to figure out how to add it to the Driver Reference Table (DRT)

Thanks again RedScare!
