The great
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Link Removed Yuri is a logician, computer scientist, and inventor of
abstract state machines. He currently works in Microsoft Research (he's a member of Wolfram Schulte's RiSE team).
This is the
third and final part in our introductory series of lectures exploring the fundamental logical construct that powers all that we do as software engineers—the
In part 3, Dr. Gurevich teaches us about
bounded complexity and the axiomatic definition of sequential algorithms.
Find some time to watch this. You'll be learning about algorithms from one of the world's premiere minds in the science of logic and algorithms. In this lecture, Yuri references a few of his academic papers, which you can find
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Thank you, Yuri, for taking the time to share your extensive knowledge and gentle, kind spirit with Niner Nation. We all really appreciate it! Thanks, too, to
Wes Dyer and
Bart De Smet for being our live audience for this lecture and asking
great questions.
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