Windows 7 Can't find my dowloads


Senior Member
Feb 5, 2010
Laval, Quebec, Canada
I'm having some serious issues right now. I just download some music with Frostwire and with bittorents and I can't find them. The ones with FW are showing when I look at them WITH FW but if I go to the destination (Program files (x86)\Music) they are not showing up. Same thing for the bittorrent who's SUPPOSED to be directly in (Program File (x86)). To make matter worse, last week I did download two other bittorrents but these one are showing up. I also tried to search via the search bar in the start menu but I get the same result. Not even the Modified Recently research show them. How can I find them ?

Update: I tried dwonloading pics from Google and it works perfectly fine.
The others torrents I took last week are games (they're free, don't worry)
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