
New Member
Oct 13, 2011
Hi guys,

I'm posting this tread hoping that somebody out there can help me out with my problem.
Recently, i plug in an external hard drive to my laptop running on windows 7 because i need to copy some files from it.After copying the file i ejected the CD/DVD ROM which is also a removable storage instead of ejecting the external hard drive itself.

After that i check on my computer and the CD/DVD Rom icon is gone or lets just say missing.I check on device manger and cant find it there either.

How can i possibly have it back(the icon) on my computer?

Please help me out guys.

Best Regards

Does the optical drive show up when checking My Computer using Windows Explorer. If so, try clicking this shortcut to see what happens. If not try to go to the manufacturers site and downloading new drivers and installing them. It is possible the drive has gone bad.
Does the optical drive show up when checking My Computer using Windows Explorer. If so, try clicking this shortcut to see what happens. If not try to go to the manufacturers site and downloading new drivers and installing them. It is possible the drive has gone bad.

hi Ted,

Thank you so much for your quick response to my post. I will try to do what you have advice and i will let you know if my problem is solved.

Thanks again,



I have tried one of the common fixes to try to get my CD-ROM reader back on Windows 7: I went through Regedit with the idea of deleting "UpperFilters" and "LowerFilters", but no "UpperFilters" appeared, and I got a message that I could not delete "LowerFilters".
