VIDEO Cockatoo Attempts To Order Farts Off Of Alexa


Cooler King
Staff member
Apr 15, 2009

Cockatoo Attempts To Order Farts Off Of Alexa
In a hilariously entertaining video, a clever cockatoo named Onni has been caught making some unexpected requests using an Amazon Alexa device. The video showcases Onni's cheeky antics as he humorously builds an ongoing shopping list that includes the indisputably funny item: "farts." The owners were initially oblivious to this amusing behavior, but once they discovered it, they were left in fits of laughter at their feathered friend's technological escapades.
### Highlighted Moments
The video captures the comical interactions between Onni and Alexa, with subtitles detailing phrases such as "alexa fart" and "read the shopping list." Onni has managed to add "fart" along with other silly items like "hello" and "eggs." These moments are sure to resonate with anyone who appreciates the quirky side of pet ownership.
### Why This Video Is a Must-Watch
1. Amusement Factor: The lighthearted nature of the video provides a feel-good experience, perfect for anyone needing a good laugh.
2. Animal Behavior Insight: Onni's ability to engage with technology opens a window into the fascinating behaviors of cockatoos, demonstrating their intelligence and playful nature.
### Engage with the Community
What do you think about Onni's shopping habits? Have any of your pets displayed quirky behaviors that left you laughing? Share your stories and let's keep the conversation going in the comments below!
For those interested, consider checking out other humorous pet videos or sharing tips on how to engage with your own pets in fun and unexpected ways.
Overall, this delightful clip brings a smile and a reminder of the amusing quirks that come with being a pet owner!
