Windows 7 Constant bsods every day


New Member
Sep 16, 2012
So I get a lot of bsods daily at random times... I think probably because of my graphics card, here's mini dump files

here's the photo I make with my telephone after getting bsod

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Please provide this information for a complete analysis of your problem: Link Removed

AMD OverDrive (AODDriver2.sys) is either a stand-alone application, or a component of the AMD VISION Engine Control Center. This driver is known to cause BSOD's on some Win7 systems.
Please un-install all AMD/ATI video stuff from Control Panel...Programs...Un-install a program
Then, download (but DO NOT install) a fresh copy of the ATI drivers from Link Removed - Invalid URL (in the upper right corner of the page)
Use this procedure to install the DRIVER ONLY: Link Removed

If the device (AODDriver or AODDriver4.01) remains a problem, open Device Manager, select the "View" item.
Then select "Show hidden devices" and...
Please provide this information for a complete analysis of your problem: Link Removed

AMD OverDrive (AODDriver2.sys) is either a stand-alone application, or a component of the AMD VISION Engine Control Center. This driver is known to cause BSOD's on some Win7 systems.
Please un-install all AMD/ATI video stuff from Control Panel...Programs...Un-install a program
Then, download (but DO NOT install) a fresh copy of the ATI drivers from Link Removed - Invalid URL (in the upper right corner of the page)
Use this procedure to install the DRIVER ONLY: Link Removed

If the device (AODDriver or AODDriver4.01) remains a problem, open Device Manager, select the "View" item.
Then select "Show hidden devices" and scroll down to the Non-Plug and Play Drivers section.
Locate the AODDriver entry, right click on it and select "Un-install". Reboot for changes to take affect.
Sometimes the driver remains and continues to cause BSOD's. If this is the case for you, post back and we'll give further instructions for safely removing it.

If overclocking, please stop. Remove the overclock and return the system to stock/standard values while we're troubleshooting. Once the system is stable again, feel free to resume the overclocking.

Older Razer drivers are known to cause BSOD's in some Win7 systems. Your's date from 2010 and should be updated.

Both Kaspersky and MalwareBytes are both in memory at the same time - a sure recipe for disaster. I would suspect any memory dump that has both in it - as they tend to fight each other for control of the scanning resources.

ipshtap.sys belongs to a TAP virtual ethernet driver. Some USB devices like this have issues with Win7 - the report I asked for at the top of the post will help us determine if this device is one of them.

I wonder about issues with SandBoxie. If no essential to you, please uninstall it to see if that helps.

If my suggestions above don't stop the BSOD's - then please run Driver Verifier according to these instructions: Link Removed

The following is for information purposes only.
[FONT=lucida console]**************************Sun Sep 16 14:14:41.495 2012 (UTC - 4:00)**************************
Loading Dump File [C:\Users\John\_jcgriff2_\dbug\__Kernel__\091612-16614-01.dmp]
*** WARNING: Unable to verify timestamp for Unknown_Module_00000000`00000000
Windows 7 Kernel Version [B]7601 [/B](Service Pack 1) MP (3 procs) Free x64
Built by: [B]7601[/B].17514.amd64fre.win7sp1_rtm.101119-1850
System Uptime:[B]0 days 0:41:11.964[/B]
*** WARNING: Unable to verify timestamp for Unknown_Module_00000000`00000000
*** WARNING: Unable to verify timestamp for Unknown_Module_00000000`00000000
BugCheck Code: [B]BugCheck A, {ffffda8006293a33, 2, 0, fffff800030eff43}[/B]
Probably caused by :[B]Unknown_Image ( ANALYSIS_INCONCLUSIVE )[/B]
BugCheck Info: [B]IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL (a)[/B]
**************************Sun Sep 16 13:26:02.722 2012 (UTC - 4:00)**************************
Loading Dump File [C:\Users\John\_jcgriff2_\dbug\__Kernel__\091612-19874-01.dmp]
Windows 7 Kernel Version [B]7601 [/B](Service Pack 1) MP (3 procs) Free x64
Built by: [B]7601[/B].17514.amd64fre.win7sp1_rtm.101119-1850
System Uptime:[B]0 days 0:30:59.941[/B]
BugCheck Code: [B]BugCheck A, {ffffda800649ba33, 2, 0, fffff800030a5f43}[/B]
Probably caused by :[B]ntkrnlmp.exe ( nt!KiProcessExpiredTimerList+103 )[/B]
BugCheck Info: [B]IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL (a)[/B]
FAILURE_BUCKET_ID: [B]X64_0xA_nt!KiProcessExpiredTimerList+103[/B]
  BIOS Version                  F7
  BIOS Release Date             07/09/2010
  Manufacturer                  Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd.
  Product Name                  GA-MA770T-UD3
**************************Sun Sep 16 11:16:45.174 2012 (UTC - 4:00)**************************
Loading Dump File [C:\Users\John\_jcgriff2_\dbug\__Kernel__\091612-17394-01.dmp]
Windows 7 Kernel Version [B]7601 [/B](Service Pack 1) MP (3 procs) Free x64
Built by: [B]7601[/B].17514.amd64fre.win7sp1_rtm.101119-1850
System Uptime:[B]0 days 0:14:06.642[/B]
BugCheck Code: [B]BugCheck 1A, {5003, fffff70001080000, eca2, c096009}[/B]
Probably caused by :[B]ntkrnlmp.exe ( nt! ?? ::FNODOBFM::`string'+4700d )[/B]
BugCheck Info: [B]MEMORY_MANAGEMENT (1a)[/B]
BUGCHECK_STR:  0x1a_5003
PROCESS_NAME: [B]avp.exe[/B]
FAILURE_BUCKET_ID: [B]X64_0x1a_5003_nt!_??_::FNODOBFM::_string_+4700d[/B]
  BIOS Version                  F7
  BIOS Release Date             07/09/2010
  Manufacturer                  Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd.
  Product Name                  GA-MA770T-UD3
**************************Sun Sep 16 07:58:46.629 2012 (UTC - 4:00)**************************
Loading Dump File [C:\Users\John\_jcgriff2_\dbug\__Kernel__\091612-16426-01.dmp]
Windows 7 Kernel Version [B]7601 [/B](Service Pack 1) MP (3 procs) Free x64
Built by: [B]7601[/B].17514.amd64fre.win7sp1_rtm.101119-1850
System Uptime:[B]0 days 0:34:07.112[/B]
BugCheck Code: [B]BugCheck 50, {ffffd8a009fcea20, 0, fffff80002fb6aa9, 7}[/B]
Probably caused by :[B]Pool_Corruption ( nt!ExDeferredFreePool+1ed )[/B]
FAILURE_BUCKET_ID: [B]X64_0x50_nt!ExDeferredFreePool+1ed[/B]
  BIOS Version                  F7
  BIOS Release Date             07/09/2010
  Manufacturer                  Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd.
  Product Name                  GA-MA770T-UD3

3rd Party Drivers:
The following is for information purposes only.
Any drivers in red should be updated or removed from your system. And should have been discussed in the body of my post.
[FONT=lucida console]¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨``
**************************Sun Sep 16 13:26:02.722 2012 (UTC - 4:00)**************************
ipshtap.sys                 Thu Nov  5 15:16:14 2009 (4AF3328E)
amdiox64.sys                Thu Feb 18 10:17:53 2010 (4B7D5A21)
amdxata.sys                 Fri Mar 19 12:18:18 2010 (4BA3A3CA)
danew.sys                   Tue Mar 23 04:37:33 2010 (4BA87DCD)
RtHDMIVX.sys                Mon May 24 08:07:55 2010 (4BFA6C1B)
RTKVHD64.sys                Wed Jul 28 06:01:36 2010 (4C500000)
VKbms.sys                   Thu Sep 30 12:16:33 2010 (4CA4B7E1)
mbam.sys                    Tue Aug  2 10:47:45 2011 (4E380E11)
[B]AODDriver2.sys              Tue Mar  6 04:55:00 2012 (4F55DEF4)[/B]
klkbdflt.sys                Fri May 25 11:38:26 2012 (4FBFA772)
kltdi.sys                   Fri Jun  8 03:38:01 2012 (4FD1ABD9)
Rt64win7.sys                Tue Jun 12 10:00:29 2012 (4FD74B7D)
kl1.sys                     Tue Jun 19 09:27:15 2012 (4FE07E33)
SCDEmu.SYS                  Thu Jul 19 04:41:58 2012 (5007C856)
klmouflt.sys                Wed Jul 25 06:52:36 2012 (500FCFF4)
atikmpag.sys                Fri Jul 27 21:14:47 2012 (50133D07)
atikmdag.sys                Fri Jul 27 21:48:09 2012 (501344D9)
klim6.sys                   Thu Aug  2 07:09:23 2012 (501A5FE3)
klflt.sys                   Fri Aug  3 12:10:13 2012 (501BF7E5)
kneps.sys                   Mon Aug 13 08:45:42 2012 (5028F6F6)
klif.sys                    Mon Aug 13 10:12:24 2012 (50290B48)
SbieDrv.sys                 Sat Aug 25 16:27:46 2012 (50393542)
ipshtap.sys - this driver hasn't been added to the DRT as of this run. Please search Google/Bing for the driver if additional information is needed.
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klkbdflt.sys - this driver hasn't been added to the DRT as of this run. Please search Google/Bing for the driver if additional information is needed.
kltdi.sys - this driver hasn't been added to the DRT as of this run. Please search Google/Bing for the driver if additional information is needed.
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klflt.sys - this driver hasn't been added to the DRT as of this run. Please search Google/Bing for the driver if additional information is needed.
kneps.sys - this driver hasn't been added to the DRT as of this run. Please search Google/Bing for the driver if additional information is needed.
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So I unistalled AMD/ATI Stuff and Installed only driver via tutorial. I updated razer and deleted AODDriver.sys Also used that program to collect all the stuff about my PC and uploaded it, check the zip file.

Till now no bsods yet, when an bsod occurs, I will post the minidump here.


Ok, so seems like 1st bsod occured, here's the mini dump, appeared randomly while I was on google chrome.


A look at the MSINFO32 file shows networking issues - so that's gotta be considered when this happens while you're on the web.

The oldest driver on your system is the ipshtap.sys dated from 2009 - it's associated with your IP-SHIELD TAP Adapter virtual ethernet driver. Please un-install this device. It's either it's own application (IP-SHIELD) that uses HotSpotShield technology, or it's a part of HotSpotShield. Either way - un-install it immediately!

In the event that this doesn't stop the BSOD's - please run Driver Verifier according to these directions: Link Removed

The following is for information purposes only.
[font=lucida console]**************************Mon Sep 17 13:25:38.896 2012 (UTC - 4:00)**************************
Loading Dump File [C:\Users\John\_jcgriff2_\dbug\__Kernel__\091712-21528-01.dmp]
Windows 7 Kernel Version [B]7601 [/B](Service Pack 1) MP (3 procs) Free x64
Built by: [B]7601[/B].17514.amd64fre.win7sp1_rtm.101119-1850
System Uptime:[B]0 days 0:00:39.363[/B]
BugCheck Code: [B]BugCheck 50, {ffffd8a0034944c0, 0, fffff800033b4728, 7}[/B]
Probably caused by :[B]ntkrnlmp.exe ( nt!CmpRemoveKeyHash+4c )[/B]
FAILURE_BUCKET_ID: [B]X64_0x50_nt!CmpRemoveKeyHash+4c[/B]
  BIOS Version                  F7
  BIOS Release Date             07/09/2010
  Manufacturer                  Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd.
  Product Name                  GA-MA770T-UD3

3rd Party Drivers:
The following is for information purposes only.
Any drivers in red should be updated or removed from your system. And should have been discussed in the body of my post.
[font=lucida console]**************************Mon Sep 17 13:25:38.896 2012 (UTC - 4:00)**************************
ipshtap.sys                 Thu Nov  5 15:16:14 2009 (4AF3328E)
amdiox64.sys                Thu Feb 18 10:17:53 2010 (4B7D5A21)
amdxata.sys                 Fri Mar 19 12:18:18 2010 (4BA3A3CA)
RtHDMIVX.sys                Mon May 24 08:07:55 2010 (4BFA6C1B)
RTKVHD64.sys                Wed Jul 28 06:01:36 2010 (4C500000)
VKbms.sys                   Thu Sep 30 12:16:33 2010 (4CA4B7E1)
klkbdflt.sys                Fri May 25 11:38:26 2012 (4FBFA772)
kltdi.sys                   Fri Jun  8 03:38:01 2012 (4FD1ABD9)
Rt64win7.sys                Tue Jun 12 10:00:29 2012 (4FD74B7D)
kl1.sys                     Tue Jun 19 09:27:15 2012 (4FE07E33)
SCDEmu.SYS                  Thu Jul 19 04:41:58 2012 (5007C856)
klmouflt.sys                Wed Jul 25 06:52:36 2012 (500FCFF4)
atikmpag.sys                Fri Jul 27 21:14:47 2012 (50133D07)
atikmdag.sys                Fri Jul 27 21:48:09 2012 (501344D9)
klim6.sys                   Thu Aug  2 07:09:23 2012 (501A5FE3)
klflt.sys                   Fri Aug  3 12:10:13 2012 (501BF7E5)
kneps.sys                   Mon Aug 13 08:45:42 2012 (5028F6F6)
klif.sys                    Mon Aug 13 10:12:24 2012 (50290B48)
rzudd.sys                   Fri Aug 17 03:01:22 2012 (502DEC42)
rzvkeyboard.sys             Fri Aug 17 03:01:26 2012 (502DEC46)
rzdaendpt.sys               Fri Aug 17 03:01:28 2012 (502DEC48)
SbieDrv.sys                 Sat Aug 25 16:27:46 2012 (50393542)
ipshtap.sys - this driver hasn't been added to the DRT as of this run. Please search Google/Bing for the driver if additional information is needed.
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klkbdflt.sys - this driver hasn't been added to the DRT as of this run. Please search Google/Bing for the driver if additional information is needed.
kltdi.sys - this driver hasn't been added to the DRT as of this run. Please search Google/Bing for the driver if additional information is needed.
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klflt.sys - this driver hasn't been added to the DRT as of this run. Please search Google/Bing for the driver if additional information is needed.
kneps.sys - this driver hasn't been added to the DRT as of this run. Please search Google/Bing for the driver if additional information is needed.
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Ok so I got bsod and I post here screen + minidump + xml file


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  • 2012-09-20 18.48.47.webp
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  • 2012-09-20 18.48.56.webp
    2012-09-20 18.48.56.webp
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There's been some discussion recently about Sandboxie and it's issues with Anti-virus/Internet Security programs.
Please test by uninstalling Sandboxie to see if it stops the BSOD's.

Beyond that, if the BSOD's continue, please run Driver Verifier according to these instructions: Link Removed

Also, start with these free hardware diagnostics as time allows: Link Removed - Invalid URL

The following is for information purposes only.
[FONT=lucida console]**************************Thu Sep 20 11:46:48.689 2012 (UTC - 4:00)**************************
Loading Dump File [C:\Users\John\_jcgriff2_\dbug\__Kernel__\092012-17971-01.dmp]
Windows 7 Kernel Version [B]7601 [/B](Service Pack 1) MP (3 procs) Free x64
Built by: [B]7601[/B].17514.amd64fre.win7sp1_rtm.101119-1850
System Uptime:[B]0 days 1:24:11.172[/B]
BugCheck Code: [B]BugCheck A, {ffffda8005d9fa33, 2, 0, fffff800030ebf43}[/B]
Probably caused by :[B]ntkrnlmp.exe ( nt!KiProcessExpiredTimerList+103 )[/B]
BugCheck Info: [B]IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL (a)[/B]
FAILURE_BUCKET_ID: [B]X64_0xA_nt!KiProcessExpiredTimerList+103[/B]
  BIOS Version                  F7
  BIOS Release Date             07/09/2010
  Manufacturer                  Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd.
  Product Name                  GA-MA770T-UD3

3rd Party Drivers:
The following is for information purposes only.
Any drivers in red should be updated or removed from your system. And should have been discussed in the body of my post.
[FONT=lucida console]**************************Thu Sep 20 11:46:48.689 2012 (UTC - 4:00)**************************
amdiox64.sys                Thu Feb 18 10:17:53 2010 (4B7D5A21)
amdxata.sys                 Fri Mar 19 12:18:18 2010 (4BA3A3CA)
RtHDMIVX.sys                Mon May 24 08:07:55 2010 (4BFA6C1B)
RTKVHD64.sys                Wed Jul 28 06:01:36 2010 (4C500000)
VKbms.sys                   Thu Sep 30 12:16:33 2010 (4CA4B7E1)
mbam.sys                    Tue Aug  2 10:47:45 2011 (4E380E11)
kltdi.sys                   Fri Jun  8 03:38:01 2012 (4FD1ABD9)
Rt64win7.sys                Tue Jun 12 10:00:29 2012 (4FD74B7D)
kl1.sys                     Tue Jun 19 09:27:15 2012 (4FE07E33)
SCDEmu.SYS                  Thu Jul 19 04:41:58 2012 (5007C856)
atikmpag.sys                Fri Jul 27 21:14:47 2012 (50133D07)
atikmdag.sys                Fri Jul 27 21:48:09 2012 (501344D9)
klim6.sys                   Thu Aug  2 07:09:23 2012 (501A5FE3)
klflt.sys                   Fri Aug  3 12:10:13 2012 (501BF7E5)
kneps.sys                   Mon Aug 13 08:45:42 2012 (5028F6F6)
rzudd.sys                   Fri Aug 17 03:01:22 2012 (502DEC42)
rzvkeyboard.sys             Fri Aug 17 03:01:26 2012 (502DEC46)
rzdaendpt.sys               Fri Aug 17 03:01:28 2012 (502DEC48)
klif.sys                    Fri Aug 17 10:55:00 2012 (502E5B44)
SbieDrv.sys                 Sat Aug 25 16:27:46 2012 (50393542)
klkbdflt.sys                Mon Sep  3 09:55:35 2012 (5044B6D7)
klmouflt.sys                Mon Sep  3 10:21:58 2012 (5044BD06)
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Ok so I unistalled malwarebytes + sandboxie. Yesterday no bsods, today I got bsod. And about driver.exe the driver verifier I enabled with settings from what you provided but too many desktop bsods ( no blue screen just freeze whatever I was doing and unable to do anything else... like a bsod without error and no minidump file or error from windows telling me that successfulyl recovered from an bsod... ) so I better disabled it and wait till I get a normal bsod and post here minidump+bsod screen

Link Removed


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Without any results from Driver Verifier there isn't much else that we can do with 3rd party drivers.
I'd have to suggest starting with these free hardware diagnostics: Link Removed - Invalid URL

Also, just as a guess, I'd suggest uninstalling all Razer software and removing the Razer devices from your system. Use other keyboard/mice and see if that stops the BSOD's. If not, then reinstall the software and use the Razer stuff normally.

The following is for information purposes only.
[FONT=lucida console]**************************Sat Sep 22 04:24:11.235 2012 (UTC - 4:00)**************************
Loading Dump File [C:\Users\John\_jcgriff2_\dbug\__Kernel__\092212-18688-01.dmp]
Windows 7 Kernel Version [B]7601 [/B](Service Pack 1) MP (3 procs) Free x64
Built by: [B]7601[/B].17514.amd64fre.win7sp1_rtm.101119-1850
System Uptime:[B]0 days 0:41:20.702[/B]
BugCheck Code: [B]BugCheck 19, {3, fffff8a00a1be2c0, ffffd8a00a1be2c0, fffff8a00a1be2c0}[/B]
Probably caused by :[B]Pool_Corruption ( nt!ExDeferredFreePool+cbb )[/B]
BugCheck Info: [B]BAD_POOL_HEADER (19)[/B]
PROCESS_NAME: [B]chrome.exe[/B]
FAILURE_BUCKET_ID: [B]X64_0x19_3_nt!ExDeferredFreePool+cbb[/B]
  BIOS Version                  F7
  BIOS Release Date             07/09/2010
  Manufacturer                  Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd.
  Product Name                  GA-MA770T-UD3

3rd Party Drivers:
The following is for information purposes only.
Any drivers in red should be updated or removed from your system. And should have been discussed in the body of my post.
[FONT=lucida console]**************************Sat Sep 22 04:24:11.235 2012 (UTC - 4:00)**************************
amdiox64.sys                Thu Feb 18 10:17:53 2010 (4B7D5A21)
amdxata.sys                 Fri Mar 19 12:18:18 2010 (4BA3A3CA)
RtHDMIVX.sys                Mon May 24 08:07:55 2010 (4BFA6C1B)
RTKVHD64.sys                Wed Jul 28 06:01:36 2010 (4C500000)
VKbms.sys                   Thu Sep 30 12:16:33 2010 (4CA4B7E1)
kltdi.sys                   Fri Jun  8 03:38:01 2012 (4FD1ABD9)
Rt64win7.sys                Tue Jun 12 10:00:29 2012 (4FD74B7D)
kl1.sys                     Tue Jun 19 09:27:15 2012 (4FE07E33)
SCDEmu.SYS                  Thu Jul 19 04:41:58 2012 (5007C856)
atikmpag.sys                Fri Jul 27 21:14:47 2012 (50133D07)
atikmdag.sys                Fri Jul 27 21:48:09 2012 (501344D9)
klim6.sys                   Thu Aug  2 07:09:23 2012 (501A5FE3)
klflt.sys                   Fri Aug  3 12:10:13 2012 (501BF7E5)
kneps.sys                   Mon Aug 13 08:45:42 2012 (5028F6F6)
rzudd.sys                   Fri Aug 17 03:01:22 2012 (502DEC42)
rzvkeyboard.sys             Fri Aug 17 03:01:26 2012 (502DEC46)
rzdaendpt.sys               Fri Aug 17 03:01:28 2012 (502DEC48)
klif.sys                    Fri Aug 17 10:55:00 2012 (502E5B44)
klkbdflt.sys                Mon Sep  3 09:55:35 2012 (5044B6D7)
klmouflt.sys                Mon Sep  3 10:21:58 2012 (5044BD06)
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Ok so I enabled driver verifier again with these selected :

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Anyway, here's something you should know and what I suspect of all being from :

What I can tell you is that when I bought my PC 1 year ago I bought ATI HD 5670 videocard and after installed it and all good I played games with high spec that run just fine on my PC but problem was I was getting a LOT of blackscreens ( like playing a game full spec making the pc process more [hear even at sound of processing] and suddenly screen is black and after 5-6 sec return to normal and an error in the down corner telling video Link Removed has stopped working and successfully recovered ). So After having this issue for like 4-5 days everyday I went and changed the videocard to ATI HIS HD 5670 ( remember, it's HIS version the new one that I changed ) so I installed it also and everything good no more blackscreens BUT I started getting BSODS ! And since then till today bsods... So I think that it's from the videocard if you telling me that's hardware failure. What do you think?

Later Edit: I jsut got a bsod, here's minidump+bsod screen

Later Edit2: Or I just thinking maybe it's the razer deathadder 3500 dpi that I got... I searched on google and many people got bsods from their drivers of the mouse. So I unistalled it by control panel + deleted the 3 .sys files from system32/drivers. Anything else to do to completely unistall it ? registry or smthing?

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Was Driver Verifier running when you got this latest BSOD?
If so, then we're most likely looking at a hardware problem - and it's probably with your video (as you first suspected).
Please run the free hardware diagnostics from here: Link Removed
As time allows, also run the free diagnostics from here: Link Removed - Invalid URL

The following is for information purposes only.
[font=lucida console]**************************Sat Sep 22 16:14:35.572 2012 (UTC - 4:00)**************************
Loading Dump File [C:\Users\John\_jcgriff2_\dbug\__Kernel__\092212-35474-01.dmp]
Windows 7 Kernel Version [B]7601 [/B](Service Pack 1) MP (3 procs) Free x64
Built by: [B]7601[/B].17514.amd64fre.win7sp1_rtm.101119-1850
System Uptime:[B]0 days 3:46:04.039[/B]
BugCheck Code: [B]BugCheck 50, {ffffd900c2f86390, 1, fffff960002d5946, 7}[/B]
*** ERROR: Module load completed but symbols could not be loaded for cdd.dll
Probably caused by :[B]cdd.dll ( cdd+13119 )[/B]
PROCESS_NAME: [B]chrome.exe[/B]
FAILURE_BUCKET_ID: [B]X64_0x50_cdd+13119[/B]
  BIOS Version                  F7
  BIOS Release Date             07/09/2010
  Manufacturer                  Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd.
  Product Name                  GA-MA770T-UD3

3rd Party Drivers:
The following is for information purposes only.
Any drivers in red should be updated or removed from your system. And should have been discussed in the body of my post.
[font=lucida console]**************************Sat Sep 22 16:14:35.572 2012 (UTC - 4:00)**************************
amdiox64.sys                Thu Feb 18 10:17:53 2010 (4B7D5A21)
amdxata.sys                 Fri Mar 19 12:18:18 2010 (4BA3A3CA)
RtHDMIVX.sys                Mon May 24 08:07:55 2010 (4BFA6C1B)
RTKVHD64.sys                Wed Jul 28 06:01:36 2010 (4C500000)
VKbms.sys                   Thu Sep 30 12:16:33 2010 (4CA4B7E1)
ssadwh.sys                  Thu May 12 09:06:44 2011 (4DCBDB64)
ssadcm.sys                  Thu May 12 09:09:45 2011 (4DCBDC19)
kltdi.sys                   Fri Jun  8 03:38:01 2012 (4FD1ABD9)
Rt64win7.sys                Tue Jun 12 10:00:29 2012 (4FD74B7D)
kl1.sys                     Tue Jun 19 09:27:15 2012 (4FE07E33)
SCDEmu.SYS                  Thu Jul 19 04:41:58 2012 (5007C856)
atikmpag.sys                Fri Jul 27 21:14:47 2012 (50133D07)
atikmdag.sys                Fri Jul 27 21:48:09 2012 (501344D9)
klim6.sys                   Thu Aug  2 07:09:23 2012 (501A5FE3)
klflt.sys                   Fri Aug  3 12:10:13 2012 (501BF7E5)
kneps.sys                   Mon Aug 13 08:45:42 2012 (5028F6F6)
rzudd.sys                   Fri Aug 17 03:01:22 2012 (502DEC42)
rzvkeyboard.sys             Fri Aug 17 03:01:26 2012 (502DEC46)
rzdaendpt.sys               Fri Aug 17 03:01:28 2012 (502DEC48)
klif.sys                    Fri Aug 17 10:55:00 2012 (502E5B44)
klkbdflt.sys                Mon Sep  3 09:55:35 2012 (5044B6D7)
klmouflt.sys                Mon Sep  3 10:21:58 2012 (5044BD06)
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The last bsod that I posted it wasn't running driver verifier because when I enabled all settings it requested restart so I planned to restart latter but after some time I got bsod so it wasnt on driver verifier, but now it is... and I getting pretty much bsods but no blue screen only freeze + bad sound x_X but if I lucky and get a blue screen while I'm now on driver verifier I'll post it here. Anyway, may I ask for what are the diagnostics ? To check if I get bsod during stressing all the cpu/graphics card and other ?

The diagnostics are tests that will let us know if there's a hardware problem.
The BSOD can be for 3rd party drivers, hardware, or Windows drivers - and doesn't often tell us what hardware piece is causing problems.

The sequence that I use is:
- I rule out all 3rd party (non-Microsoft) driver problems - both known problem drivers and older drivers (Driver Verifier is used here to attempt to force the system to name a 3rd party driver) I also ask you to get all Windows Updates if there's any indication of that sort of problem.
- then we rule out hardware by running the diagnostics.
- then we try removing/swapping out parts to see if we can isolate a hardware problem.
- then we try reinstalling Windows "clean" - to see if there's a corruption in Windows that's causing the problems (this step can actually be done any time after the 3rd party drivers are ruled out - but this is the least common cause on a fully updated Windows system).

The tests may not give a BSOD - they may give other errors.
The video tests may make the screen go black, may distort your display, or may even shut the system down. Just watch them and describe what happens.

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Ok, I see, I didn't had any windows update done... I just started windows updates now to fully update :) and will go run diagnostics tools after finishes all updates and will post here furthermore info.

Later Edit: OK, So I decided to format all my partitions and install fresh new windows 7. After I installed it and did all the stuff... clockhour + name for pc + what kind of network it is ( home ... ) it show me preparing desktop for use .... and boom bsod. Didn't had time to photo the blue screen because it restarted itself but a minidump was saved.

Herere it is in attachements, anyway, what anti-virus + web browser you recommend me so it won't enter in conflic with other programs and cause bsod ? Also do you recommend me to install the drivers for the razer ? or just leave it like this from windows drivers?


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I use Microsoft Security Essentials for my anti-virus. But I'm not a security expert, so take it with a grain of salt :0)
I use Firefox for my web browser simply because I've used it for the last 10 years or so.

While most of the memory dumps are suggestive of driver problems, your description and a few of the dumps are suggestive of hardware issues. Please run these free hardware diagnostics: Link Removed - Invalid URL

This last BSOD was blamed on networking stuff and only involves the networking driver (which dates from 2009). Please update the driver (Rt64win7.sys) and test further.
Rt64win7.sys Thu Feb 26 04:04:13 2009 (49A65B0D)
Realtek RTL8168D/8111D Family PCI-E Gigabit Ethernet NIC
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I'd also have to wonder about your network card itself. A new network card for a desktop costs about $15 US at most major retailers - and it's a good idea to have one on hand in case you experience a failure in the middle of the night. Try this if you pass all the hardware diagnostics in the above paragraph.

The following is for information purposes only.
[FONT=lucida console]**************************Sun Sep 23 08:30:29.113 2012 (UTC - 4:00)**************************
Loading Dump File [C:\Users\John\_jcgriff2_\dbug\__Kernel__\092312-22963-01.dmp]
Windows 7 Kernel Version [B]7601 [/B](Service Pack 1) MP (3 procs) Free x64
Built by: [B]7601[/B].17514.amd64fre.win7sp1_rtm.101119-1850
System Uptime:[B]0 days 0:01:51.596[/B]
BugCheck Code: [B]BugCheck D1, {0, 2, 0, fffff88001688f35}[/B]
*** WARNING: Unable to verify timestamp for tcpip.sys
*** ERROR: Module load completed but symbols could not be loaded for tcpip.sys
Probably caused by :[B]tcpip.sys ( tcpip+62f35 )[/B]
FAILURE_BUCKET_ID: [B]X64_0xD1_tcpip+62f35[/B]
  BIOS Version                  F7
  BIOS Release Date             07/09/2010
  Manufacturer                  Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd.
  Product Name                  GA-MA770T-UD3

3rd Party Drivers:
The following is for information purposes only.
Any drivers in red should be updated or removed from your system. And should have been discussed in the body of my post.
[FONT=lucida console]**************************Sun Sep 23 08:30:29.113 2012 (UTC - 4:00)**************************
[B]Rt64win7.sys                Thu Feb 26 04:04:13 2009 (49A65B0D)[/B]
amdxata.sys                 Fri Mar 19 12:18:18 2010 (4BA3A3CA)
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