Windows 7 CPU Over Temperature Error


Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2011
Hello all,

I received this error twice today for the first time in ten years
(CPU Over Temperature Error! Press F1 to Resume)
I am using w7 32bit and I also checked to see if all my fans were working and they where.
What does this mean and or what should i do about it?

Thank you all so much.


This is some of what I've found:

CPU Temperature 99ºC/211ºF
MB Tem 45ºC/113ºF
CPU Fan Speed 1720RPM
CPU Q-Fan Control Disabled
CPU Voltage 1.152V
3.3V Voltage 3.552V
5V Voltage 5.136V
12V Voltage 12.264V

Hope this helps you help me :)


Hello Frank, sorry for the delay, been cleaning shop.
Go back in to the BIOS again, and "Enable" Q-Fan control, it may be that at the current steady speed is not enough to cool when CPU is under load, the fan control will increase and decrease speed accordingly and automatically.
Also, make sure everything is clean inside, especially the fans, you may also want to add a case fan if you don't have one.
If temps don't decline after that, you may have to apply new thermal paste to the CPU.
Hello Frank,

Turn on the PC and enter the BIOS.
Look through the headers to find system info. temps, voltages etc:

Copy those and place in your next reply here.


Which program gave the alert? If you've noticed fans function... and, your system won't start unless your CPU fan works. The BIOS very much secures that. And if it gets hot, modern CPUs turn themselves off.

But do what Adamsappleone suggested.

This is some of what I've found:

CPU Temperature 99ºC/211ºF
MB Tem 45ºC/113ºF
CPU Fan Speed 1720RPM
CPU Q-Fan Control Disabled
CPU Voltage 1.152V
3.3V Voltage 3.552V
5V Voltage 5.136V
12V Voltage 12.264V

Hope this helps you help me :)


Last edited:
This is some of what I've found:

CPU Temperature 99ºC/211ºF
MB Tem 45ºC/113ºF
CPU Fan Speed 1720RPM
CPU Q-Fan Control Disabled
CPU Voltage 1.152V
3.3V Voltage 3.552V
5V Voltage 5.136V
12V Voltage 12.264V

Hope this helps you help me :)


Hello Frank, sorry for the delay, been cleaning shop.
Go back in to the BIOS again, and "Enable" Q-Fan control, it may be that at the current steady speed is not enough to cool when CPU is under load, the fan control will increase and decrease speed accordingly and automatically.
Also, make sure everything is clean inside, especially the fans, you may also want to add a case fan if you don't have one.
If temps don't decline after that, you may have to apply new thermal paste to the CPU.
Has the CPU or the heatsink been moved or replaced at some point?


It says the fan is running @1720. I doubt it will go much faster than that. It sounds like one of the following:

- the thing the BIOS thinks is the CPU fan is not! (unlikely if it worked before and the fan headers have not been changed, but still)
- the CPU fan has fallen off the heatsink!
- the CPU cooler has been dislodged from the CPU maybe if the box was knocked over or dropped.
- possibly the system fans have failed and heat is building up inside the box instead of being extracted

But that CPU temp is mighty high and the system should probably not be used until the cause is found!
