VIDEO Crysis 3


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Aug 28, 2007
As many of you know Crysis 3 is coming to PC and those console thingies in Feb' of this year. To wet your appetite Crytek are releasing a series of video's to promote the new game.



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I have started the game over with higher difficulty and Very High graphics. Since I have now been through the game and have some understand of what to expect, I have time to look around and appreciate the graphics and actual game play. Much better for me the second time through.

I did play the tutorial, but I don't remember the Bow being one of the weapons, but I only did the basic tutorial. Shooting the arrows long distances seems a little hard since I can't seem to follow the arrows flight and can only guess as to where it will land. Probably more practice will help. A better understanding of the graduations on the sight would be a good thing. And maybe if I remember to hold the right mouse button down after I shoot, I...
More Crysis 3 goodness:


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Toms hardware have an article with Crysis 3 news:

EA said on Wednesday that the multiplayer beta for Crysis 3 will be available for the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and Windows PC (gasp!) from January 29 to February 12. It will include two team-based modes (Crash Site and Hunter), two maps (Airport and Museum), and a new feature called New York Feed which is an in-game social feed that will showcase the accomplishments of gamers and their friends while offering dynamic challenges to complete.
"With Crysis 3 we are delivering the deepest, most robust Crysis multiplayer experience yet," said Cevat Yerli, CEO of Crytek. "We have listened closely to our fans and have evolved the multiplayer in Crysis 3 by adding a host of new gameplay features including the unique Hunter mode, deadly new weapons like the Predator bow, deeper loadout and unlock options, enhanced upgrade systems and more social features."
One of the new features offered in the beta will be Rip & Throw, allowing players to interact with the elements of the environment to use as weapons or shields. They'll also have access to the Pinger, a "fearsome alien tripod war machine that can be used to devastating effect."
Here's a bit more on the two available game modes offered in the beta:
Crash Site
In this mode, players must secure and defend specific locations, earning points along the way for kills and their ability to hold those locations.

This asymmetrical, time based mode pits two players vs. ten (two vs. 14 on PC) in matches that begin with two cloaked hunters stalking 10 opposing CELL troopers. Armed only with enhanced Nanosuits and the lethal Predator bow, hunters must systematically stalk and kill the CELL operatives, who in turn must work together as a team as they fight to stay alive before the round ends. The twist is that once a CELL trooper is killed, that player will then respawn as a hunter, joining the others in their attempt to eliminate the remaining CELL operatives before the clock strikes zero.

On Wednesday EA said that gamers who pre-purchase Crysis 3 before its launch will be upgraded to the Crysis 3 Hunter Edition. They will also receive a free copy of the original Crysis for the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 or Windows PC, depending on their platform of choice.
The Hunter Edition will offer instant access to the new Predator bow and its attachments plus the Hunter Nanosuit module, which adds additional power and functionality to the super-suit. Hunter Edition will also provide a head start when playing online with a bonus XP boost up to level 5, a unique Predator bow skin and three exclusive dog tags to hunt in style.
For the system requirements for the PC version, head here. Crysis 3 will be available in North America on February 19, 2013 and in Europe on February 21, 2013. Happy hunting.


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For those wondering if they can run Crysis 3, here's what your gonna need:

You'll need a DirectX 11 GPU in order to play Crysis 3 on the PC.
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Will your rig run Crysis 3 when it launches in February? If it's packed with a dual-core CPU and 2 GB of memory, then just barely. For gamers who want high performance out of the upcoming shooter, they'll need the latest quad-core CPU, 8 GB of RAM and somewhere around a Nvidia [FONT=inherit !important][FONT=inherit !important]GeForce
[FONT=inherit !important]GTX[/FONT][/FONT] 680 GPU or an AMD Radeon HD 7970 GPU in SLI or CrossFire layouts.[/FONT]
Link Removed, offering minimum, recommended and high-performance PC specifications. You'll see that the game requires a DirectX 11 card to run, which cuts off PC gamers who still thrive on DirectX 10-based GPUs (embedded or discreet). You'll need at least 2 GB of RAM on Windows 7 andWindows 8, and 3 GB if using the decrepit Windows Vista (Windows XP isn't even mentioned).
In addition to the system requirements, PC Gamer has confirmed a list of Advanced Graphics Options that will be offered in Crysis 3. These include Game Effects, Object, Particles, Post Processing, Shading, Shadows, Water, Anisotropic Filtering, Texture Resolution, Motion Blur Amount and Lens Flares. There's also a short Q&A with Marco Corbetta, Technical Director on Crysis 3, that reveals the PC version will ship with high-res textures.
"Crysis 3 will already ship with hi-res textures, advanced graphics settings, tessellation and DX11 support," Corbetta said. "Additional tech areas that have been enhanced since Crysis 2 are: AI navigation system, animation system, water, fog volumes, cloud shadows, POM, AA, cloths, vegetation, particles, lens flares and grass."
"For Crysis 3, the past year has involved a lot of performance and memory optimization work on many areas and for all platforms, as well as work on the rendering side," Corbetta added. "One of our big goals was to improve image quality, and a lot of work went into developing several DX11 based anti-aliasing techniques for PC, which means gamers will now be able to pick their favorite."
The entire Q&A can be read here. In the meantime, here's the full load of system requirements, some of which is broken down into [FONT=inherit !important][FONT=inherit !important]Intel [FONT=inherit !important]and [/FONT][FONT=inherit !important]AMD[/FONT][/FONT]-based platforms:[/FONT]
Minimum System Operating Requirements for PC
* Windows Vista, Windows 7 or Windows 8
* DirectX 11 graphics card with 1 GB Video RAM
* Dual core CPU
* 2 GB Memory (3 GB on Vista)

* Example 1 (Nvidia/Intel):
* Nvidia GTS 450
* Intel Core2 Duo 2.4 Ghz (E6600)

* Example 2 (AMD):
* [FONT=inherit !important][FONT=inherit !important]AMD
[FONT=inherit !important]Radeon [/FONT][FONT=inherit !important]HD[/FONT][/FONT] 5770
* AMD Athlon64 X2 2.7 Ghz (5200+)[/FONT]
Recommended System Operating Requirements for PC
* Windows Vista, Windows 7 or Windows 8
* DirectX 11 graphics card with 1 GB Video RAM
* Quad core GPU
* 4 GB Memory

* Example 1 (Nvidia/Intel):
* Nvidia GTX 560
* Intel Core i5-750

* Example 2 (AMD):
* AMD Radeon HD 5870
* [FONT=inherit !important][FONT=inherit !important]AMD
[FONT=inherit !important]Phenom[/FONT][/FONT] II X4 805[/FONT]
Hi-Performance PC Specifications
* Windows Vista, Windows 7 or Windows 8
* Latest DirectX 11 graphics card
* Latest quad core CPU
* SLI / Crossfire configurations will run even better
* 8 GB Memory

* Example 1 (Nvidia/Intel):
* Nvidia GTX 680
* [FONT=inherit !important][FONT=inherit !important]Intel
[FONT=inherit !important]Core [/FONT][FONT=inherit !important]i7[/FONT][/FONT]-2600k[/FONT]
* Example 2 (AMD):
* AMD Radeon HD 7970
* AMD Bulldozer FX4150


Here Are The System Requirements for Crysis 3

The Crysis 3 beta is now available:
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You'll need to install Origin but hey it's not all bad. I'm currently installing now.. :D Plus if anyone is up for making our own 'clan' then pm me or post here.

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If your into graphics this vid is well worth the 25 mins it takes to watch it.


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WooHooo Baby, graphics are something else. Beta is worth a try folks..

Even more Crysis 3 goodness:


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New Trailer...


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The Crysis 3 multiplayer beta ended today. So if you can't get into the servers you now know why.. :(

Do you walk the walk?


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Not long to wait now..


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Graphics comparison:


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Guru3D have published a performance review of 22 cards based on different settings and resolutions. The good news is that those with mid range cards can still get a reasonable frame rate although forget about running it at high quality as it really will 'melt your pc'.
Just a word of warning however, the article contains the 'Wiki' version of the plot which I avoided. I've yet to purchase the game myself (limited funds being the bummer) and so didn't want it to be spoiled. The video's are ok to watch though..

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Here a few screenshots from the game. At the moment I'm only running at medium settings so my framerate is decent but as you'll see it still has some wow factor:

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More Crysis 3 shots...

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Sorry kemical, not really impressed with the game. It seems very dark to me (and I have the brightness turned up) which makes it hard for an old man to see the details, which may be the point. Also, the field of view seems limited, so much so that it seems I feel like I am looking through binoculars.

It also seems to be freezing near the end and will not let me continue, even though I have won that round. I am running at high graphics and the game has run fine until this point. When I shoot bad things, black squares form around them...which would seem to indicate a graphics problem.

I don't really want to mention where I am except to say Prophet is trying to rescue someone. I remember Crysis doing the same thing when you were killing the Gigantic Bug thing on the Carrier. They eventually released an update that fixed that. Running Origin, I will have to assume the game has the latest updates, and I do have the latest Nvidia drivers for the EVGA GTX 680 Classified.

Edit: It should be noted I am not running the game in Windows 8
