
New Member
Jul 7, 2009
Estela the baby spider monkey, abandoned by her mother, has found a maternal replacement in the guise of a cuddly toy at Melbourne Zoo in Australia.

Estela was given the cuddly toy monkey to hug after her mother rejected her at birth, leaving her traumatised.

Staff are hoping that the stuffed toy will give the tiny spider monkey some much-needed love and support.


Zoo keepers in Melbourne are keeping her alive with round-the-clock feeds and constant supervision.

She has fought off several infections since being born on January 17 but still only weighs 600g (1lb 4oz).

‘Keeping Estela alive has been a big challenge and she has had her ups and downs,’ said Jess McKelson, primate supervisor at the Australian zoo.

Staff are hoping that Estela’s grandmother, Sonja, will eventually take care of her.

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Following on from the lazy parrot-riding spider monkey, YouTube is playing host to the latest in mega-cute animal antics: yes, it's a baby monkey grabbing a sneaky lift on the back of a micro pig.

To an appropriate soundtrack of the ditty 'Baby monkey riding on the back of a pig' - which contains the unforgettable line 'the world has gone insane' - the simian scamp is seen mounting the micro pig and enjoying a quick ride around the pair's environs.

Our porky friend then makes a getaway, only to have the monkey give chase and once again hop on board his little back.

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[Cute Alert] Baby penguin being tickled charms YouTube viewers

A 22-second video of a cute baby penguin being tickled by one of his human carers has taken YouTube by storm.

The clip starts with little penguin waddling up to a unidentified man sat at a table who proceeds to tickle the bird's stomach, prompting it to make an excited high-pitched squeal of enjoyment.

The baby penguin rapidly flaps its wings during the 20 seconds as it enjoys the human tickling.

The clip was first uploaded onto YouTube on Friday and one version of the video has already been watched over 100,000 times, receiving over 1,500 ‘likes’.

Many viewers have posted comments under the video expressing their desire to own a pet penguin, with eeelluuu writing: ‘TOO. MUCH. CUTENESS.’

Superanimationlover added: ‘aw so adorable! :)’, while Gnuzzk wrote: ‘cutest thing ive ever seen’.

The cute video became one of the most popular videos on YouTube over the weekend and continues to feature on the site’s trending list as more and more people share the clip with their friends and family.

Check out the video of the baby penguin being tickled below:

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Cute alert: Goose looks after blind dog

Blind boxer dog Baks has got a new lease of life - after being taken under the wing of a pet goose called Buttons.


Buttons the four-year-old goose leads her pal around everywhere either by hanging onto him with her neck, or by honking to tell him which way to go.

Owner Renata Kursa, 47, of Lublin, Poland, was heartbroken when Bak was left blind after an accident last year.

'But gradually Buttons got him up on his feet and starting walking him around. They're inseparable now - they even chase the postman together,' she said.

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Joe the paraplegic Easter Bunny gets tiny cart to cruise in

After discovering a teeny tiny baby rabbit abandoned by its mum in their garden, an American family realised it was paraplegic and set about crafting it an appropriately small cart-type contraption to help it get around. Cue copious quantities of cuteness.


Joe the Easter Bunny, as he was soon named, was found curled up alongside his sibling by the the O'Rourke family in Tucson, Arizona.

Clocking that the little fella didn't have the use of his hind legs and would therefore struggle to get on in the wild, the family decided to take action.

While looking after the rabbits, son Liam got to designing an ATB (All Terrain Bunny) support system, a delightful red and yellow wagon to be strapped onto the rabbit's rear.

With the help of his dad, a sketch of the contraption became a reality and Joe set about getting used to his new wheels.

'Awwwwwwwwwwww but sad also,' commented YouTube viewer LiteralGaming below video footage of Joe.


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