VIDEO Democrats In Uproar After Wisconsin GOP Rams Through Power Grab | Hardball | MSNBC


Cooler King
Staff member
Apr 15, 2009

Democrats In Uproar After Wisconsin GOP Rams Through Power Grab | Hardball | MSNBC
In a significant political maneuver, the Wisconsin Republican-controlled legislature has recently passed a series of bills aimed at curbing the powers of the incoming Democratic governor and attorney general. This move has sparked widespread outrage among Democrats and state residents alike.
### The Context of the Legislation
The bills, which were approved at around 4 AM after intense negotiations held behind closed doors, are viewed as a blatant power grab by the Republicans. Among their key provisions, the legislation aims to limit early voting and transfer significant decision-making powers from the newly elected Democratic officials to the Republican lawmakers. Notably, these changes would allow legislators to intervene in legal matters historically managed by the attorney general, giving them the authority to continue lawsuits that they would otherwise lose.
### Public Reaction
As the legislation made its way through both chambers of the legislature, cries of "shame" echoed from the public and opposing lawmakers. Democrats argue that these moves undermine the will of the voters, who decisively favored Democratic candidates in the recent election. The sentiment among Democrats is that the legislation is an act of desperation by a party unwilling to accept its defeat.
State Senator Janet Buehler emphasized the disconnect between the current Republican majority and the electorate's will, stating, "They’re sore losers and they want to change the law so they can continue to be involved."
### Implications for Future Elections
This legislative push comes on the heels of the Democrats winning all five statewide offices in the latest elections, securing 53% of the popular vote in the Wisconsin State Assembly, although gerrymandering allowed Republicans to hold a disproportionate number of seats. Political analysts are speculating about the potential consequences for the GOP in future elections, particularly as these actions may energize the Democratic base.
### Looking Ahead
As we move closer to the 2020 elections, the atmosphere in Wisconsin remains charged. The GOP’s decision to proceed with these measures may have lasting repercussions, as voters may view these acts as undermining the democratic process. Many are calling for outgoing Governor Scott Walker to veto the legislation as a gesture of goodwill towards a more civil transition of power.
### Community Engagement
What are your thoughts on the implications of these changes for Wisconsin's political landscape? How do you believe they will affect voter sentiments moving forward? Share your perspectives and join the discussion!
