Windows Vista Desperate .... BSOD ISSUE

Carol Smith

New Member
Jun 2, 2016
Short version if that's possible....
I turned on my Gateway PC today running Vista and was given the BSOD. Did not panic, simply rebooted. Unfortunately it never got past the initial screen. I did go into BIOS but am unsure what to look for. Did go into Advanced boot menu... Safe mode and safe mode with command pretend they are going to start but kind of just get stuck and never do anything more then say please wait....
Advanced Boot screen option repair your computer also does nothing but kick me back to BSOD.
Here's the big issue, my daughters grad photos from last week are on my hard drive. I had not had time to put them into discs yet. This was the most important day of her life. Please please help me.
Hi Carol,
The computer is definitely busted, and needs a Computer Pro to fix it as stated. kemical is giving you a very safe solution of trying to access your photo files with Ubuntu LiveCD; I use this method frequently on my Customer's computers. If that fails to work, you should really stop messing with that computer and Vista--with the age of Vista computers now being at 9 years old--you probably have 1 or more failed hardware components along with a seriously scrambled Windows Vista on there.

The safest thing to do if you can't get your files off with Ubuntu is to take that computer (it's a desktop PC right?) to your local computer repair shop and pay to do a data recovery. This will cost you from $25-$75 at most...
Probably the easiest as well as cheapest thing for you Carol is to simply pop the photo's on to a DVD disk or USB drive. As BBJ say's you won't need to access the net then to have access.
Very important as BBJ states. When the dot com bubble burst in 2000 many businesses and home users lost everything and I vowed never again to rely solely on the cloud for backup purposes.