VIDEO Determining chord progressions in a song


Cooler King
Staff member
Apr 15, 2009
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Determining chord progressions in a song In a recent video titled "Determining Chord Progressions in a Song," music educator Karen Cuneo Ramirez provides insightful guidance on how to identify the likely chord progressions within a piece of music. This video is especially helpful for those looking to understand the underlying structure of popular songs and enhance their musical skills.

Key Insights from the Video​

The discussion starts with an introduction to diatonic harmony, where Karen emphasizes that there are established rules regarding how chords function in music. According to her, music theory may initially appear complex, but simplifying it can shed light on the mysteries of chord progressions.

Major and Minor Chords in a Key​

Using the key of C as an example, she identifies that the major chords are C, F, and G, while the minor chords include D, E, and A. The framework she provides is beneficial for players looking to play by ear.

The Circle of Fifths​

Karen introduces the Circle of Fifths as a crucial tool for understanding chords in different keys. By positioning the tonic (the first chord) at the top of the circle, students can easily identify related chords by moving to the left or right. This method aids in memorizing chord relationships and transitions.
  1. Major Chords: The first three major chords in the key of C can be easily identified by leaning left and right from the tonic.
  2. Finding Chords in Other Keys: For example, in the key of G, the major chords are D and C, where D acts as the dominant chord.

    Applying Music Theory​

    The second chord in any progression is often the most challenging to identify. Karen explains that once you can establish the second chord, the rest tend to follow logically. This insight is particularly applicable when learners find themselves stuck while playing a song. The video continues with practical examples of chord structures, emphasizing the common transitions between specific chords and how they cycle back to the tonic.

    Real-World Application​

    Such knowledge allows musicians to predict the flow of a song based on its initial chords, enhancing both their playing experience and their ability to improvise. As she demonstrates various sequences, Karen highlights how understanding these progressions can make music more structured and enjoyable.

    Final Thoughts​

    This detailed explanation not only aids in understanding chord progressions but also equips students with practical tools for composing and performing music. Understanding these musical foundations can significantly enrich one’s experience in music, making seemingly complex compositions accessible. Have you ever tried to figure out the chord progressions of your favorite songs? Share your experiences or ask questions about specific chords and progressions you’re curious about!