Windows 7 DLNA and Windows Media PLayer


New Member
Aug 1, 2012
Is there a way to get the DLNA server in Windows to only allow select videos to show up on DLNA devices?
My problem is this; I have thousands of vacation videos that I do not want on the DLNA network - I just would like a few movies and old TV shows. How do I filter out my vacation videos?

I did read the whole procedure but may by putting the vacation vids in a sperate folder and removing that folder from the library it will prevent the DLNA from accessing them. After this I'm out of ideas.

Library - Remove a Included Folder - Windows 7 Forums

That helps as it gets them out of my DLNA network. Now I just need to figure out how to put various TV shows into separate occurrences ... for example, Everyone Loves Raymond has 9 seasons and Lost 6 season, etc. But it makes a lot more sense on the TV side now that the vacation videos are out of the Library!
