VIDEO Donald Trump Lawyers To Attack Michael Flynn Credibility: Washington Post | MSNBC


Cooler King
Staff member
Apr 15, 2009

Donald Trump Lawyers To Attack Michael Flynn Credibility: Washington Post | MSNBC
In a recent MSNBC segment, Washington Post reporter Carol Leonning unveiled startling revelations about the strategies that former President Donald Trump's legal team is reportedly employing against Michael Flynn, his former National Security Adviser. As the investigation into potential collusion continues, Trump's lawyers are allegedly preparing to challenge Flynn’s credibility, portraying him as a "liar" who is attempting to shield himself by accusing Trump and his aides of wrongdoing.
### Key Insights from the Report
1. **Shift in Strategy**: The discussion reveals a significant pivot in Trump's stance towards Flynn. Previously lauded by Trump as a "wonderful man," the legal team's new approach suggests that they anticipate potential accusations from Flynn, following his cooperation with special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation.
2. **Legal Maneuvering**: Leonning elaborates that the legal team is focused on crafting a contingency plan in case Flynn provides incriminating evidence. This proactive approach, however, raises questions about the confidence the White House has in Flynn's ability to adversely impact them.
3. **Contradictions**: The unfolding narrative also highlights the contradictions in Trump's treatment of Flynn. While the legal team prepares to discredit him, Trump has publicly expressed his support for Flynn, complicating the situation further.
4. **Concerns Over Evidence**: Trump's attorneys maintain that they have combed through extensive documentation, finding no evidence to support the notion of collusion or illegal activity. However, the lack of written records raises concerns about what Flynn might divulge that isn't documented.
5. **Pardon Consideration**: The segment also touches on Trump's openness to potentially pardoning Flynn. This could signal a recognition of the precarious position Flynn is in, and the lengths Trump might go to protect those within his inner circle.
### Community Engagement
This situation presents an extraordinary glimpse into the evolving dynamics of Trump's legal battles and the implications for those involved. What are your thoughts on the legal strategies being employed? Do you believe these actions reflect deeper anxieties within Trump’s camp regarding potential revelations from Flynn? Join the discussion and share your perspectives on related past threads that explored the intersection of law and politics in the WindowsForum community!
