Windows 7 Double-clicking window modification.


New Member
Hello everyone,

I play a MMO called EVE online. The in-game environment allows you to double-click on windows within the game and when you do this, it will minimize the window to just the title bar or it will maximize the window to the original size before the double-click. This system works very well for clearing the screen of a bunch of windows quickly, but allows the window to stay open so that the title and other title bar information can be seen. It's a little difficult to explain, but I hope this is a clear enough picture.

title - info max min close
stuff stuff stuff
stuff stuff stuff
... ... ... ... ... ...
stuff stuff stuff

After double-clicking:
title - info max min close

In the Win7 environment right now, if you double-click on a window's title bar it will just maximize it to full screen. If already maximized to full screen, it will minimize it to the previous known size. This, for me, is redundant because if you drag the window to the top, it will full screen maximize and if you pull it away it will return to original size.

I explained all that so that I may ask this: does anyone know how to change Win7 so that I can have the functionality of the above described from the video game when double-clicking?

Thanks for reading, hopefully this isn't an impossible task!
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The in-game environment allows you to double-click on windows within the game and when you do this, it will minimize the window to just the title bar or it will maximize the window to the original size before the double-click.

I am a little confused, what do you mean by minimize the window to just the title bar - do you mean to double click a windows title bar => window disappears but its title bar stays, until you double-click it again ?