
Cooler King
Staff member
Apr 15, 2009
Natural News readers were told this two weeks ago, but now it's official: the federal government has ordered the mainstream media to stop reporting on suspected Ebola cases.

"At the urging of the Obama Administration, the Associated Press and other news outlets have agreed not to report on suspected cases of Ebola in the United States until a positive viral RNA test is completed," writes the Gateway Pundit.

Apparently, all the negative Ebola news was causing potential voters to lose faith in government... and hence lose faith in the governing democrats as well.

So Fox News, CNN and all the other mainstream media outlets simply decided to stop reporting on Ebola news. "This story is officially over," said Sean Hannity of Fox News in applauding the work of the Fox Ebola Team.

Meanwhile, Ebola news has all but disappeared across the entire national media even as the pandemic is exploding at a 900% increased rate of infection in Sierra Leone.

"...the sudden departure of Ebola stories from the state-corporate media doesn’t pass the smell test" reports Downtrend.com.

NYC Ebola watch list explodes to 357 people
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