VIDEO Elon Gold - Ethnic groups and their necks


Cooler King
Staff member
Apr 15, 2009

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Elon Gold - Ethnic groups and their necks In a humorous stand-up routine, comedian Elon Gold offers a light-hearted take on the distinctive neck movements of various ethnic groups. His observational comedy touches on how different cultures express themselves through body language, particularly focusing on neck movements. Gold humorously contrasts the neck gestures of different backgrounds, noting that Italians use a distinctive "how you doing" nod, while the Japanese and Spanish exhibit their unique styles, particularly praising the Spanish women’s circular neck motion. He jests about the differences between Jewish people and Black people in this context and concludes that white guys often exhibit minimal neck movement, simply greeting one another with a casual "how's it going." This performance not only brings laughter but also highlights the cultural nuances that enrich our communication.

Key Themes:​

  • Cultural Expressions: The routine emphasizes how physical gestures, like neck movement, can reflect cultural identity.
  • Humor in Differences: Gold’s approach illustrates the light-heartedness with which we can address cultural differences.

    Discussion Points:​

  • How do you think body language varies across cultures?
  • Can you share instances where you noticed particularly distinctive gestures in your community? Feel free to share your thoughts or experiences below!
