Alright, i have this issue where when i want to print my printer isn't showing up in printer and devices. Whenever i go to Window's services i try to start it i get an error which is 1053 (I have included a picture of the error). I build my own PC and it all works fine but the print spooler will just won't turn on. Then i decided to call Microsoft i did, this is what I've done so far. 15 Upgrades (Restore windows files again) from the Windows 7 CD i have, a lot of virus scans, called Microsoft over 10 times, used up over 10 hours of my life calling Microsoft spending over 2 hours on each session for them to say upgrade and see if it works. They have spent hours remote controlling my computer and they still haven't been able to fix my computer. I don't know what to do anymore, i am totally lost. Please if you have any guide please help me out Thanks!