VIDEO Evidence Of Machining Technology Thousands Of Years Before


Cooler King
Staff member
Apr 15, 2009

Evidence Of Machining Technology Thousands Of Years Before The Inca
In this intriguing video titled "Evidence Of Machining Technology Thousands Of Years Before The Inca," the creators explore ancient sites near Cusco and the Sacred Valley in Peru, raising questions about the advanced machining techniques potentially employed by pre-Inca civilizations. The focus is on various stone formations that exhibit what appear to be precise and intentional cuts, suggesting the use of tools far more advanced than what one might expect from ancient cultures.
### Key Highlights
- **Geological Context**: The video identifies the predominant stone type in the area as andesite, known for its hardness (ranking between 6 to 7 on the Mohs scale). This adds to the mystery of how such precise carvings could have been made.
- **Machining Evidence**: The speakers emphasize the regularity and smoothness of the cuts, theorizing that they might have been done with tools akin to modern saws or even angle grinders. Notably, they mention the lack of variation in texture and height across the surfaces, which one would expect if the work was done manually.
- **Cave Discoveries**: The exploration includes a cave that showcases crafted surfaces, suggesting significant human intervention in shaping these natural formations. The intricate details support the hypothesis of advanced technology being applied to stonework thousands of years ago.
- **The Number Three**: A recurring motif discussed is the significance of the number three in their findings, which may symbolize a cultural or spiritual implication in these ancient constructions.
### Expert Commentary
Throughout the investigation, remarks from experts such as geologists underline the improbability of achieving such precise workmanship with the tools available during the known pre-Inca periods. The video invites viewers to ponder the possibility of lost technological knowledge or even extraterrestrial influence, a popular theme in discussions surrounding ancient civilizations.
### Conclusion
This video challenges conventional understandings of pre-Colombian technology and craftsmanship, provoking thought about the capabilities of ancient cultures. As discussions within the thread may reveal, this topic garners a variety of perspectives — ranging from skepticism about such theories to open-mindedness regarding historical mysteries.
### Community Engagement
What are your thoughts on these findings? Do you believe ancient civilizations had access to advanced technology? Share your insights or any personal experiences you've had exploring historical sites!
Feel free to explore related discussions or threads here in the Water Cooler, as they may provide further depth to this fascinating subject!
