Windows 7 excel graphics problem


New Member
I'm suffering from an annoying graphics problem in excel 2007 with Windows 7 Build 6801. When I enter numbers and change them into comma style, a part of their left appearance gets cut off. I attached a picture which shows how the problem appears.
did you download the display driver for the card that hp has on the website? This is definately a graphics problem and not an excel 2007 problem so try to find the latest drivers and install them.
I'm just using the drivers which Windows 7 installed automatically. There aren't any drivers out yet so I've tried downloading the drivers for Windows Vista Enterprise 32bit but I get an error promt with them all which says "Operating system not supported, installation will close" or something like that. So I can't install the graphics driver. Is it possible that I'm supposed to choose Windows Vista Business or Home edition drivers?
Well give it a run for its money why dont you. Let me know how it turns out. I know a man who said the problem must lie with the graphics or display drivers.
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