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Aug 28, 2007
Having finally convinced my mother that getting me a game for christmas would be far better that a jumper, I know that Santa will be bringing me Fallout 3: Game of the year edition (a snip at £15!)
I've been wanting to get this game for ages so can anyone give me any pointers on patches and what-not? (no spoilers please)
A brief scan of google brings up something about problems with the second disk? Anyone know what this means?
I'll be running it on 64bit home 7..

Thanks all...:)

FYI Im a regular at the FO3 forums and I can tell you yes there are issues with the second disc of the GOTY versions. The issue is that some system wont recognise the second disc is in the drive. The solution is to install the second disc in windows safe mode, and give the disc plenty of time in the drive to ensure its found and run properly.
Having finally convinced my mother that getting me a game for christmas would be far better that a jumper, I know that Santa will be bringing me Fallout 3: Game of the year edition (a snip at £15!)
I've been wanting to get this game for ages so can anyone give me any pointers on patches and what-not? (no spoilers please)
A brief scan of google brings up something about problems with the second disk? Anyone know what this means?
I'll be running it on 64bit home 7..

Thanks all...:)

GOTY edition basically should be fully updated to latest patch (as is normal with GOTY type releases) and comes with all the main 5 addons that includes the recent mothership zeta. There shouldn't be any issues running it straight out the box...unless like many you get the radio music glitch.

Thanks Highwayman.. I was hoping that you had played it.. Did you enjoy it?

Fallout 3 is an excellent game; IMHO one of the best games ever. It has done the 'atmosphere' of a devastated nuclear landscape really well, there is no cheer or hope....only doom and gloom. Without giving away any spoliers: there is only one small area on the whole map where there are 'live' green trees:D

I played only the original FO3 last year, not the GOTY or expansion packs, but IMHO:

1.Plan your character carefully; I think the offensive and defensive skills are more useful than the science/hacking skills in most of the game. The latter tend to produce diminishing returns if built up to the max. On the other hand, a well honed set of Guns + VATS abilities will allow you to make short work out of deathclaws and supermutants.

2. Don't read up the walkthroughs and hints on the internet unless you're really stuck on some really spoils the fun.

3. Do the main quest until you get power armor training ASAP (but hold back on the main quest for a while after this); with a decent set of armor and energy weapons combined with offensive skills/perks, you can become an unstoppable harbinger of death to the denizens of the wasteland....:D

4. The Terrible Shotgun rocks. My favorite weapon in the whole game!

I think you'll have a lot of fun with FO3..:)

Thanks Highwayman.. I was hoping that you had played it.. Did you enjoy it?

Absolutley, although without the addons it was over a little too soon, but with the addons it' really fills out the game to near perfection, easily one game that will be up for game of the decade. Personally I did the opposite of the above and aimed my characters skills to lock picking, repair and sciences...later in the game gun skills can b quickly caught up when your able to unlock and hack everything easily, but thats the beauty of the rpg can play many different ways.

Fave gun? apart from the ones the addon brings...Lincolns rifle was mint for headshot ratios.

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Wow.. a big thanks to both you guys for providing the info' ... I can't wait to get my hands on this game.. Tell me, is it best to leave the expansions until after the game proper or do them as you find them?

FYI Im a regular at the FO3 forums and I can tell you yes there are issues with the second disc of the GOTY versions. The issue is that some system wont recognise the second disc is in the drive. The solution is to install the second disc in windows safe mode, and give the disc plenty of time in the drive to ensure its found and run properly.

So thats what that is... Thanks man. No doubt I'll be checking those forums out before too long so I'll give you a shout if I see you in there..:)

Edit: I just joined...

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Wow.. a big thanks to both you guys for providing the info' ... I can't wait to get my hands on this game.. Tell me, is it best to leave the expansions until after the game proper or do them as you find them?

Install them all cos they all mixed into the main game as side quests...not to mention if you dont install any of them when you compete the main quest the game ends and you cant go back into do them.

Cool thanx man.. Thats what I meant actually, is it best to do the side quest as you go along in the game proper and so now I know..cheers!

Well I started playing the other night (hence my absence) and at first it was a nightmare to install and run until I discovered the windows live portion needed updating. I also had to patch the game to 1.7 and then once running I discovered terrible micro stuttering which nothing would remove.
Eventually I tried the FPS clamp fix found via the Fallout 3 forums and it cured the stuttering.. Phew. Since then I've visited Megaton and the shopping centre along with the fire ants nest.. Simply Awesome. I love games like this and it reminds me a little of Stalker crossed with London:Hellgate (along with others). The combat system is pretty way out too.. This game is going to keep me occupied for weeks!

Wish I played it sooner!

Much thanks Daimoz.. I did write a blog about what eventually happened check it out if you have the time..

Does this movie look just a LITTLE familiar? "Book of Eli"

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lol... it does look like the game alright..
