I have an SSD that I am trying to resuscitate.
I am logged in as an Administrator. I have a large number of files on a drive that throws an error when I try to access them.
When I go to check the security setting, I get: The requested security information is either unavailable or can't be displayed.
OK. I decided to try and reset the security information using Takeown:
Takeown /F I:\* /A /R /D Y
I get an error message for each directory in the root of I:
INFO: The device is not ready. ( "I:\Apple" )
But if I click on I:\Apple I now see the files in it which I didn't before.
In fact, I can now access many, not all, of the files in all of the directories. So apparently the Takeown partially worked.
I would appreciate any explanation as to what is happening.