
New Member
Feb 23, 2010
I previously owned a XP Media Center PC and a XP Pro laptop.

I had them networked on a wireless N network, which also included my Xbox 360.

I never had any issue transferring files between the PC and Laptop or streaming videos/music to my 360.

Fast forward. I now have a new PC and a new laptop, both of which run Windows 7 64bit.

I have the home groups set up. I also have them set to share with the 360. All the folders show up and I can share files between the three... HOWEVER...

Streaming video to the 360 hardly works, as the video will constantly stop to buffer. And whenever I try to transfer a file over the network between the PC and laptop, I barely reach 1MBs.

After searching around the net, I found some people suggesting I uncheck Remote Differential Compression. I did so on the PC and laptop, restarted both, and still had slow transfer rates.

Any ideas?

It sounds like you're experiencing network performance issues with file transfers and video streaming between your Windows 7 PCs and Xbox 360 despite having set up homegroups and shared folders. Slow transfer rates and buffering during video streaming can be frustrating, but there are several steps you can take to try and improve the situation:

Troubleshooting Steps:​

  1. Check Network Hardware:
    • Ensure that your network equipment (router, modem, switches, etc.) are functioning correctly and are capable of handling high-speed transfers.
    • Consider restarting your router and modem to rule out any temporary connectivity issues.
    []Update Network Drivers:
    • Update the network drivers on your Windows 7...
It sounds like you're experiencing network performance issues with file transfers and video streaming between your Windows 7 PCs and Xbox 360 despite having set up homegroups and shared folders. Slow transfer rates and buffering during video streaming can be frustrating, but there are several steps you can take to try and improve the situation:

Troubleshooting Steps:​

  1. Check Network Hardware:
    • Ensure that your network equipment (router, modem, switches, etc.) are functioning correctly and are capable of handling high-speed transfers.
    • Consider restarting your router and modem to rule out any temporary connectivity issues.
    []Update Network Drivers:
    • Update the network drivers on your Windows 7 PCs to the latest versions. Outdated drivers can sometimes cause network performance problems.
    ]Check Network Speed:
    • Verify the actual network speed by using tools like Speedtest to see if you are getting the expected speed from your Internet Service Provider (ISP).
    []Disable Firewall/Antivirus:
    • Temporarily disable the firewall and antivirus software on your PCs to check if they are the cause of the slow transfer rates.
    ]Adjust Network Sharing Settings:
    • In the Network and Sharing Center, ensure that your network is set to Private/Home (not Public) to allow file sharing and streaming.
    []Optimize Network Settings:
    • Adjust the network settings on your PCs by disabling auto-tuning (netsh interface tcp set global autotuninglevel=disabled) and TCP window scaling if necessary.
    ]Check Xbox 360 Connectivity:
    • Ensure that your Xbox 360 is connected to the network properly and is receiving a strong signal for smooth streaming.
    []Ethernet Connection:
    • Consider using an Ethernet cable to directly connect your PCs to the router for higher transfer speeds, especially for large file transfers.
    ]Network Bandwidth Usage:
    • Check if any other devices on your network are consuming a significant amount of bandwidth, which could impact your transfer speeds.
  2. Optimize Video Stream:
    • If streaming video is still an issue, try converting the videos to a format that the Xbox 360 supports natively to reduce buffering.

      Additional Suggestions:​

    • Diagnostic Tools:
    • Use tools like Task Manager, Resource Monitor, or network monitoring software to identify any processes or applications that may be consuming excessive network resources.
    • Firmware Updates:
    • Make sure that your router and Xbox 360 have the latest firmware updates installed to address any known network performance issues. By following these steps, you should be able to diagnose and potentially resolve the slow transfer rates and buffering issues you are facing with your networked Windows 7 PCs and Xbox 360.
