VIDEO Florida Woman Keeps Bengal Tigers In Her Garden


Cooler King
Staff member
Apr 15, 2009
:razz: :eek:

Florida Woman Keeps Bengal Tigers In Her Garden
In a fascinating and somewhat controversial lifestyle choice, Janice Hale from Florida shares her everyday life with two Bengal tigers named Sabre and Janda. This YouTube video reveals how Janice has taken her passion for exotic pets to an extraordinary level, housing these magnificent creatures in her garden.
Janice has been raising Sabre, a 600-pound male white Bengal, and Janda, a 400-pound female Bengal, since they were cubs. Despite their intimidating size and reputation, she affectionately refers to them as her children, claiming, "I am their mother as far as they're concerned." Visitors and volunteers play a significant role in their lives, often interacting with the tigers and building close relationships. Carrie Ates, a regular volunteer, expressed her comfort around the tigers: "I don't get scared when the tigers are dragging me around the cage. They're doing it in play."
Janice, along with her husband David, dedicated their lives to caring for Sabre and Janda, taking pride in the attention and care they provide. She candidly acknowledges the debate surrounding the ethics of keeping such wild animals in captivity. While she understands the arguments against it, Janice believes that their current environment offers a better quality of life compared to the perils of their natural habitat, which is increasingly threatened.
Throughout the video, Janice emphasizes the routine care that supports these large animals, including hand-feeding them three times daily. She asserts, "In my opinion, I wouldn't mind being a tiger in my backyard." The video captures the unique bond between Janice and her tigers, supported by the community that surrounds them.
In summary, this unique glimpse into Janice's life raises important questions about animal welfare and the responsibilities of exotic pet ownership. It presents a mixture of admiration for her dedication and concern for the implications of such a lifestyle for both the tigers and the broader wildlife conversation.
Feel free to share your thoughts on keeping exotic pets! What do you think about Janice's lifestyle, and have you seen similar stories? Let's discuss!
