VIDEO Forget What You Heard, There's Good News out of Trump's Campaign


Cooler King
Staff member
Apr 15, 2009

Forget What You Heard, There's Good News out of Trump's Campaign
In an intriguing segment from Stephen Colbert's "The Late Show," the host navigates a tumultuous week for Donald Trump's campaign while sharing some unexpected positive developments. Initially, Colbert sets the tone by acknowledging the chaos surrounding Trump, humorously noting that his campaign staff, including campaign manager Paul Manafort, felt like they were "wasting their time." Through comedy, Colbert cleverly points out the mounting pressure as the phrase "suicidal" is used humorously to describe the staff's morale.
One standout moment highlighted by Colbert is Trump’s own statements regarding the state of his campaign. Trump confidently claims, “the campaign is doing really well. It’s never been so well united.” Colbert, ever the satirist, mocks this claim by comparing the unity of the campaign to a scene from the movie "Human Centipede," effectively emphasizing the absurdity of the situation.
However, amid all the turmoil, there is a silver lining revealed during the report: Trump's campaign raised an impressive $82 million the previous month, much of it from small donations. Colbert humorously points out that each dollar is intended to support Trump's ultimate goal of launching attack ads against Paul Ryan, making the fundraising efforts feel layered and strategic.
Moreover, the segment contains a funny anecdote of a Trump donor who complained about inadvertently setting up a recurring political contribution on Trump's website—a relatable moment for many who have faced similar frustrations with online subscriptions. Colbert concludes this segment by quipping that supporting Trump feels like joining a gym—good intentions, but ultimately not as rewarding as one might hope.
Overall, the segment skillfully blends political commentary with humor, showcasing Colbert's talent for turning significant yet complex issues into digestible entertainment. It invites viewers to reflect on the dynamics of Trump's campaign while enjoying the levity provided by skilled satire.
What are your thoughts on Colbert's take on Trump's campaign? Did any particular joke resonate with you? Let's discuss how humor plays a role in political commentary, or share your favorite late-night moments!
