Windows 7 Free MS Essentials released

kevin from Chi-town

New Member
Jan 11, 2009
this is the Anti-virus dubbed morro I believe...if any of you want it is. Please post with results....

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if any of you feel like testing this, there is a sythetic research test sample virus called eicar. If you want to see if Morro works then try it there. The below link is to the eiacr research center...please post results

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For you doubting thomas', google eicar!

Speed might be a reason

what is so special about this software, and why would you want it over third party programs that have proven to be good?

I have been using AVG for a few years now and have been satisfied until recently. Seems that the last 1 or 2 update versions just perform a scan whenever they take a notion to regardless of what selections you have made. It sometimes takes 3 to 4 hours to perform a scan while crippling the computer for anything else while doing so. I am searching for something else because of this frequent midday slowdown. I "tell" it to scan at 2:00 am and it scans at 11:00 am - - or 3:00 pm - - or whenever it decides it wants to.

Besides, this package has passed a couple of magazine testers'...
Thanks Kev.
I was hoping for an invite by Email, as it was restricted to the US and a strange assortment of other countries. - Nothing doing so far so I guess I will have to wait for the full product.

I found a great way of getting it through microsoft.

Go to microsoft connect and register. Get your email approved and then fill a survey in. Then it offers you the downloads even if you are in the uk. I did that and now have it running on windows 7 and vista.

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I have been registered with connect/Microsoft for a number of years. It seems to be only available at the moment for certain countries. Perhaps one is yours?

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Thanks Kev.
I was hoping for an invite by Email, as it was restricted to the US and a strange assortment of other countries. - Nothing doing so far so I guess I will have to wait for the full product.

Download of the MSE beta is available from here: Link Removed - Invalid URL

Thank you for your link, ondoy. For various reasons, I will have to wait for an official download. Your help appreciated.

It's certain to flag the eicar downloads - Defender does that already.

I tried it a few days ago - downloads a huge amount of stuff on first update - over 140mb on my machine - some have reported 200mb.

If MS is going to be uptight about who they allow to download what all of you do, those of you who've used Win7 builds other than 7000 and 7100... Get it?

If MS is going to be uptight about who they allow to download what all of you do, those of you who've used Win7 builds other than 7000 and 7100... Get it?

It is common for MS to release some products for testing, to the US before others. I believe they have selected one or two countries for low, and high, instances of attacks in order to get a broad feedback.

what is so special about this software, and why would you want it over third party programs that have proven to be good?

what is so special about this software, and why would you want it over third party programs that have proven to be good?
Well supposedly its free. anyone running a small network would tell you that licensing AV software can get expensive. That said, I will try for testing purposes only. My personal boxes will be continued to be protected by Kaspersky because they've proven themselves to me. In addition, privacy issues to the as well as intrusive update windows are to be expected with Morro

privacy issues to the as well as intrusive update windows are to be expected with Morro

I would be interested to see what this is all about as there were not these issues with Live OneCare.
Which by the way was coming along quite nicely.

I am a standard TechNet member (U.S.) and I received an email notice that the Security Essentials beta was available to a predetermined (but unspecified) number of users. I immediately downloaded it on one computer at 10 or 11 pm and got up the next morning, planning to install it on my other home network computers, only to find a notice that the quota had been reached and no more beta releases were available at this time. It now appears to be available through a link in another post in this thread. ??????

Speed might be a reason

what is so special about this software, and why would you want it over third party programs that have proven to be good?

I have been using AVG for a few years now and have been satisfied until recently. Seems that the last 1 or 2 update versions just perform a scan whenever they take a notion to regardless of what selections you have made. It sometimes takes 3 to 4 hours to perform a scan while crippling the computer for anything else while doing so. I am searching for something else because of this frequent midday slowdown. I "tell" it to scan at 2:00 am and it scans at 11:00 am - - or 3:00 pm - - or whenever it decides it wants to.

Besides, this package has passed a couple of magazine testers' tests with flying colors. Better find rate than most major free and paid anti-virus programs plus zero false positives.

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Although this is beta this runs great on windows 7. Dosent slow performance down a bit and can easily scan on demand or scan files you chose :D

Currently only available to about 4 countries & Canada not 1 of them but, still interesting info.


I live in Canada and was still able to download it. :D
I tried it on my main rig that runs XP Pro. First thing I noticed was a big delay while my Icons slowly populated the taskbar notification area. PC is pretty well useless until the MS essentials icon finally loads too.
