
New Member
Sep 26, 2009
[RESOLVED] Gadget crash 64bit version 7100 - with UAC NOT disabled

[RESOLVED - Gadget Crash described below identified to be caused by Logitec Webcam Software. In the Logitech Ribbon, go to modify parameters, Application preferences, Application Video effects -> parameters, click on Sidebar.exe and then click on the - sign to remove it. Click Ok, then following instructions restart PC because the change will only be applied after restart- and bingo, Gadgets work again!!!]


using: Windows 7 64bit French version 7100, and also have Logitec Quickcam 3500.
startup loads: avast, live messenger, canon IJ network scan utility for wifi printer
2 user sessions defined

IF I am fast enough to click on my user session right when Windows 7 starts up, I see the gadgets at startup and I can also open the gadget galary. Then windows loads everything: avast, live messenger, ... at startup.

And then, after loading everything, the gadgets crash. I get the message Gadgets stopped functionning, with a button close program. Then I close the program, and can't start gadgets nor the gadget library any more afterwards. No debug, error code, nothing.

IF I restart Windows, but wait a while before chosing to start up with my user session for Windows to load everything it loads before opening up a user session, then the Gadgets don't even show up at start-up at my user session.

Oh yes, UAC is NOT set to 0, and I also did the corresponding regestry patch to cover if it is at 0.

2 Questions:

A. How do I set some trace / track in order to see what causes the gadgets to crash, and furthermore, where does this trace get stored?

B. Anybody already know what causes this? I saw some notes on Logitech 9000 drivers, but I'm not using any of that stuff with the 3500.

Thanks for your help

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I came across the same problem with Win7 7100. And yes this is Logitech software causing W7 gadgets to crash. UAC can be enable or disabled you can force sidebar to create new settings.ini it will not help you at all if you running Logitech QuickCam software. Uninstall it and problem solved. Leave just the driver for you webcam.
Hi theuki,
have you checked through the event viewer? (see screenshot)


below the logged error. The question is:

with this tool where can I find which application was loaded that caused this crash?

Crash details:

Nom de l’application défaillante sidebar.exe, version : 6.1.7100.0, horodatage : 0x49ee9780
Nom du module défaillant : kernel32.dll, version : 6.1.7100.0, horodatage : 0x49eeaac7
Code d’exception : 0xc0000005
Décalage d’erreur : 0x0000000000003892
ID du processus défaillant : 0x70c
Heure de début de l’application défaillante : 0x01ca3ec502be2111
Chemin d’accès de l’application défaillante : C:\Program Files\Windows Sidebar\sidebar.exe
Chemin d’accès du module défaillant: C:\Windows\system32\kernel32.dll
ID de rapport : 594edbe9-aab8-11de-b8b1-0013d395ad4f

Thanks for that advise, but as I stated in the beginning of the thread, UAC is NOT off, it is on at standard level. So this is NOT the cause

Any other ideas ?

Thanks - that link shows a number of different kind of reasons.

Having read elsewhere that LOGITEC webcam 9000 causes the crash, I uninstalled the Logitech Webcam software (I have a Quickcam 3500), and the Gadgets are now working!!!

Interestingly, I also have a laptop with the windows 7 32bit version 7100 and the same webcam, and there no gadget crash.

Therefore, the Logitec driver or software only crashes Gadgets on the 64bit version of Windows 7 release 7100.

Does anyone know which component of the Logitec software that is, and whether I can uninstall it?


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I came across the same problem with Win7 7100. And yes this is Logitech software causing W7 gadgets to crash. UAC can be enable or disabled you can force sidebar to create new settings.ini it will not help you at all if you running Logitech QuickCam software. Uninstall it and problem solved. Leave just the driver for you webcam.
