
Essential Member
Sep 7, 2009
For the last day or so I've been testing games.

So far these work.

Steam Games :-

Bioshock 1 & 2
COD Black Ops
COD Modern Warfare 1 & 2
Clive Barker's Jericho
Company of Heroes series
Far Cry 2 (Has Issues at times going FS)
Ghostbusters : The video Game
Half Life 2 Series (all source games are working well Portal etc)
Kane and Lynch 1 & 2
S.T.A.L.K.E.R Series
Unreal Series

Non Steam Games :-

Bad Company 2 (The actually works better than in 7)
Batttlefield 3
Crysis 1 @ 2 (These also run way better)
Crysis Warhead
Deus Ex Human Revolution
Dirt 2
Duke Nukem Forever
Mirrors Edge
Resident Evil 5

Still have a load more games to test. Shall update as the testing progresses.


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For the last day or so I've been testing games.

So far these work.

Steam Games :-

COD Black Ops
COD Modern Warfare 1 & 2
Clive Barker's Jericho
Company of Heroes series
Far Cry 2 (Has Issues at times going FS)
Ghostbusters : The video Game
Half Life 2 Series (all source games are working well Portal etc)
Kane and Lynch 1 & 2
S.T.A.L.K.E.R Series
Unreal Series

Non Steam Games :-

Bad Company 2 (The actually works better than in 7)
Batttlefield 3
Crysis 1 @ 2 (These also run way better)
Mirrors Edge

Still have a load more games to test. Shall update as the testing progresses.

Thanks for the research Richard, keep em coming. Good information

Will Red Orchestra 2 work? multiplayer? (it uses punkbuster)

and can i go back too windows 7?

Will Red Orchestra 2 work? multiplayer? (it uses punkbuster)

and can i go back too windows 7?

Don't have the game, do you know if theres a demo for me to test out?

Will Red Orchestra 2 work? multiplayer? (it uses punkbuster)

and can i go back too windows 7?
I can't confirm it, but someone on the steam forum said he'd been playing it. He also said Team Fortress 2 worked. You shouldn't have problems playing on both OSes. I've played BFBC2 on both.

I can't confirm it, but someone on the steam forum said he'd been playing it. He also said Team Fortress 2 worked. You shouldn't have problems playing on both OSes. I've played BFBC2 on both.

Good to know thank you and Team Fortress 2 does indeed work. In fact all the source engine games are working fine.

Here are the games I specifically verified myself.

Working Games with Steam:

Alice: Madness Returns
Assassins Creed 2
Burnout Paradise
Darkstar One - Makes a loud clicking sound when first starting, and when exiting.
Dead Space Series
Dungeons: Steam Special Edition
Hydrophobia: Prophecy
Inside a Star Filled Sky
Lead and Gold: Gangs of the Wild West
Lucidity - Installed XNA3.1
Magicka - Reqiured an XNA Repair.
Mount & Blade: All Games
Plants vs. Zombies: Game of the Year
RISK Factions
Runespell Oveture
Saint's Row 2
Serious Sam HD: The First Encounter
Serious Sam HD: The Second Encounter
The Polynominal
The Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition
The Settlers 7 - Including Ubisoft Games Launcher
World of Goo
Worms Reloaded
X3: Terran Conflict

Worms 4 Mayhem

Encountering problems:

Borderlands - Fails to Launch
The Lord of the Rings Online - Impossible to launch. Always displays the Enable .NET Framework 3.5.1 window, even though it is successfully enabled already. Once Accept Changes, and finish is pressed nothing ever actually opens.
Puzzlequest - Crash to desktop from Black screen at launch
Torchlight - Black Screen and Visual C++ Runtime Crash
Trine - The launcher gets stuck in Not Responding state for around 30-60 seconds, but if you wait it will continue past that and work. Clicking on anything in the launcher such as Advanced will set it back into a Not Responding state for another 30 to 60 seconds.

The following sub-systems were verified to work while testing the above game list:
Microsoft VC Redist
Unity Launcher
Flash 10
.NET Framework

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I can confirm L4D2, Portal 1 and 2, FSX, F2004/9 and BF2 are fully functional in the developers preview.

nmsuk said:
Batttlefield 3
.. and how exactly did you test that, you smug bastard? ;) The alpha ended early August and beta isn't until the 29th :D.

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I can confirm L4D2, Portal 1 and 2, FSX, F2004/9 and BF2 are fully functional in the developers preview.

.. and how exactly did you test that, you smug bastard? ;) The alpha ended early August and beta isn't until the 29th :D.

I used to work in the Industry and have friends at DICE. Let's just say the Pre beta Rocks :) Would love to post some screenies but my NDA prohibits it. :( 'Mr Smug Bastard'

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I used to work in the Industry and have friends at DICE. Let's just say the Pre beta Rocks :) Would love to post some screenies but my NDA prohibits it. :( 'Mr Smug Bastard'

Oh come on, fellow alpha testers can share content :) Agreed - this NDA sucks.

The 29 is not a set in stone date for Battlefield 3, EA is still holding rights to delay the release of the beta.

I can confirm that:

Origin - EAs digital download system
Need for Speed Hot Pursuit

both work in 8. Also that xfire runs and woks with NFS:HP. I will be testing the Origin versions of:

Alice Madness Returns
C&C 4 Tiberiun Twilight

as soon as they download and install. Should know in the next few days if they run or if they need any tweaking.

PS I know these are as much of a game as Photoshop, but Yahoo, AIM Pro, Google Talk and Skype all work with out issues.

AIM installs and runs, but wont connect to the internet. The test of the connection works fine, but it acts like the server is just gone.

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I can confirm that Starcraft 2 also works in windows 8. I must say Call of Duty Black Ops MY FPS Rate went up by 11 when switching from 7 to 8!!!

LoL nmsuk, pain in the ass :-P

I'm planning on running the Battlefield 3 Beta to see how it runs on my system with Windows 8.

I can confirm the Origin versions of:

Alice Madness Returns
C&C 4 Tiberiun Twilight
Dragon Age Origins Ultimate Edition
Crysis 2 Limited Edition

Install and run. The C&C 4 gave me a BS product code error, so I couldn't get in the game fully, but it didn't give me load errors.

Fallout 3 retail works, but the Windows Live Sign On Assistant does not. So that means you only have the option of playing offline. None of the achievements will go on record. Plus if you get your DLC through the downloads menu, you wont be able to download it.

I didn't see if any one posted this one or not. The Steam version of Fallout: New Vegas works as well.

I have a Madcatz X360X wired controller. 8 detected and installed the drivers for it, with out issue. Also the games detected it as well.

Sorry it takes me so long to write back. I have a funny work scheduled and I'm not a morning person. I will do my best to start to get on more often.

I can confirm BF3 beta does work on Windows 8. Although I'm getting 10 fps less. Maybe the Nvidia beta drivers don't work as well with Win 8. It also wants to open IE for battlelog, even though firefox is my default browser. Battlelog doesn't seem to show pings in IE. I have to manually log in to battlelog in firefox.

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