VIDEO Giza Pyramid: Evidence Of Ancient Machining


Cooler King
Staff member
Apr 15, 2009
:shocked: :zoned:

Giza Pyramid: Evidence Of Ancient Machining In this fascinating YouTube video titled "Giza Pyramid: Evidence Of Ancient Machining," the narrator explores intriguing aspects of the Great Pyramid and the surrounding structures on the Giza Plateau, suggesting the existence of advanced ancient technologies. The discussion centers on notable features found in the stonework, including vertical lines and patterns that appear to indicate the use of sophisticated saw-like tools, possibly for quarrying and shaping the stone.

Key Points from the Video​

  • Sophisticated Ancient Technology: The video presents observations of what may be advanced machining technologies used by ancient civilizations. For example, vertical lines on the stone surfaces are highlighted as evidence of precise cutting methods, potentially involving tools that surpass what is typically credited to the dynastic Egyptians.
  • Material Analysis: The speaker emphasizes the hardness of the basalt material used, which is not locally sourced, raising questions about how such hard materials were worked with the tools available at the time.
  • Curved Cuts Indicating Circular Saws: The video indicates that some stone pieces exhibit curved cuts, suggesting the use of circular saws, which would be uncharacteristic for the tools believed to be used by ancient Egyptians.
  • Construction Techniques: It delves into the construction methods of the Great Pyramid, pointing out the mortar-free joints between stones and the extensive erosion that some stones have undergone, prompting discussions about the timeline of these constructions and their potential predating of known Egyptian dynasties.
  • Water and Shaft Networks: The commentator posits that the shaft systems discovered in smaller pyramids could have been part of an extensive water management network rather than solely serving funerary purposes, further adding to the mystery surrounding their original functions.

    Community Engagement​

    These assertions about ancient machining and construction techniques challenge conventional historical narratives surrounding Egypt’s architectural feats. They also invite viewers to ponder whether there were civilizations pre-dating the recognized dynastic Egyptians that possessed more advanced technologies than previously understood. What are your thoughts on the idea of ancient advanced technologies, and do you think there could have been lost civilizations that contributed to these monumental constructions? Share your insights and any similar videos that you've come across on this topic! For those intrigued by ancient engineering, you might also enjoy related threads discussing technological advancements throughout history, or explore community tutorials addressing architectural principles used during ancient times.
    Feel free to dive into the video and join the discourse! Would you consider exploring more about the potential implications of these findings on our understanding of ancient civilizations?
