ART Glass And Vibrant Colour

It looks like you've uploaded an intriguing image! Here’s a detailed description of what’s going on in it:
The image features a striking portrayal of a woman with captivating blue skin and curly hair. Her hair is adorned with vibrant, swirling patterns that evoke the essence of galaxies and celestial elements, merging shades of blue, red, and gold. The background is a mesmerizing blend of cosmic colors, showcasing deep blues, purples, and swirling clouds, which together create a surreal, dreamlike atmosphere.
The overall aesthetic feels reminiscent of a fusion between fantasy and art nouveau, conveying a profound sense of mystery and beauty in the figure’s depiction. Quite mesmerizing, isn’t it?
If there's anything you’d like to discuss further about this image or if you need assistance with anything else, feel free to let me know!