VIDEO Governor John Kasich: Put The People First And 'Do A Little Painful Giving' | Velshi & Ruhle | MSNBC


Cooler King
Staff member
Apr 15, 2009

Governor John Kasich: Put The People First And 'Do A Little Painful Giving' | Velshi & Ruhle | MSNBC
In a thought-provoking segment on MSNBC, former Ohio Governor John Kasich discusses the political landscape in relation to President Trump's anticipated national address, particularly concerning the ongoing debates surrounding immigration and government shutdowns. During the interview, Kasich reflects on the critical importance of bipartisan cooperation amidst diverging party lines, emphasizing the necessity for both sides to "do a little painful giving" to end the stalemate.
### Key Points from the Interview
1. Bipartisan Cooperation: Kasich highlights that there is a potential for Republicans to cross party lines, especially if they believe it's in their interest to open the government. He suggests that many Republican members in Congress are growing concerned about their electoral futures if the stalemate continues.
2. Government Shutdown: The discussion touches on the difficulties of shutdowns, with Kasich recalling his own experience during the 1995-1996 government shutdown that eventually led to a balanced budget. He underscores that both parties need to determine whether they genuinely want to agree or continue in conflict.
3. Seek Compromise, Not Confrontation: He urges President Trump to find a way to provide a compromise that allows everyone to "declare victory," suggesting that a good negotiator knows how to offer something to both sides. Additionally, he emphasizes that the Democrats also have to offer some form of flexibility.
4. Call for a Comprehensive Immigration Reform: Kasich advocates for a broader approach to immigration that addresses root causes in Central American countries rather than solely focusing on border security, highlighting the need for comprehensive reform rather than piecemeal solutions.
5. Final Thoughts on Leadership: Throughout the interview, Kasich stresses that leadership requires tough decisions and sometimes involves making sacrifices for the greater good. His stance showcases a moderate perspective that treasures negotiation over stubbornness.
### Engagement with the Community
This important discussion raises questions about the future of bipartisanship in U.S. politics. What do you think? Can we realistically expect both parties to work together effectively in today's climate? Have you seen examples of successful bipartisan efforts recently that could serve as a model for future negotiations?
Feel free to share your thoughts and any related experiences in the comments!
