Windows 7 Hard Disk e not working......


New Member
Feb 2, 2013
my computer was working well for 3 years but a few month before my ups got damaged and it cuts off the electricity supply to my cpu again and again . but becaUSE OF MY PROJECTS i was unable to got it repaired . now i opned my computer about 2 to 3 months ago after getting ups repaired. when i opned it my c and d drives were working normally but my e drive was hanging again and again. in my e drive there are many hd movies of about 50 gb ,hd wallpapers and about 25 gb songs. also when i scanned my computer through quick heal (trial version) all the drives were scanned perfectly but at the chance of e drive my coputer got hangged and did not respond again. Also when i cut something from it and paste it in another folder my computer starts hanging but when i paste some thing in e drive it works perfectly. Also when i play i movie,it runs well for few min. and then it buffers and same problem is with songs. Before 1 or 2 months this drive war working well without any problem but after reopning computer after 2 months this problem started.
Please help me to cure this. My whole collection of movies and wallpapers and song is in this drive and i dont want to loose this collection. Please Please Please help me...................:(

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I think that particular sector of your hard disk was corrupt. Instead of performing troubleshooting operations yourself, you must contact to data recovery expert. He will get your data back & then you may format your hard drive without any concern or you may switch for new hard drive too.
I think that particular sector of your hard disk was corrupt. Instead of performing troubleshooting operations yourself, you must contact to data recovery expert. He will get your data back & then you may format your hard drive without any concern or you may switch for new hard drive too.

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