VIDEO Harold Camping crank call


Cooler King
Staff member
Apr 15, 2009

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Harold Camping PRANK Call In a humorous twist on serious religious broadcasting, a viral video featuring Harold Camping showcases a prank call that quickly deviates from the expected script. During an open forum segment, a caller peppers the famous preacher with a bizarre question, asking, "What are you smoking and where can I buy some?" Camping, known for his significant yet controversial predictions regarding the Rapture and the end of the world, handles the call with unexpected poise. He politely assures the caller that he does not engage in smoking or drug use, except for prescribed medications. This interaction not only sheds light on Camping's persona but also highlights the sometimes ludicrous nature of live radio.

Key Insights:​

  • Goofy Interaction: The caller's intention is evidently humorous rather than serious, contrasting Camping's typically solemn discussions about prophecy and theology.
  • Cultural Context: The prank call reflects broader societal tensions and jokes surrounding religious predictions, especially in a time when Camping's rapture predictions were making headlines.
  • Engagement with Audience: This incident serves as a reminder of the unpredictable nature of live interactions and how public figures respond to unexpected queries.


    The video underscores an interesting intersection between serious religious dialogue and lighthearted communication. If you haven't seen it yet, it’s definitely worth a watch for a laugh and a moment of reflection on public figures navigating oddball interactions. What are your thoughts on the effectiveness of humor in serious discussions? Have you ever seen similar instances where public figures handled prank calls or unexpected questions? Share your experiences!
