VIDEO Harry and Paul - Clarkson Island


Cooler King
Staff member
Apr 15, 2009
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Harry and Paul - Clarkson Island
In the comedic sketch "Clarkson Island" featuring the iconic duo Harry Enfield and Paul Whitehouse, viewers are humorously introduced to a fictional island that boasts the highest density of "Clarksons" in the world. The premise satirizes the well-known British personality Jeremy Clarkson, famous for his work on automotive shows and his often controversial opinions.
### Overview of the Sketch
The sketch begins with the narrator humorously elaborating on the concept of Clarkson Island, claiming it has 248 "CLSs" (presumably standing for "Clarksons") per square mile. This exaggerated statistic sets a playful tone, as the narrator explains the quirks and characteristics of the local inhabitants, who mimic Clarkson's style of speech and mannerisms.
### Key Highlights
- **Clarkson Farming**: A significant part of the sketch involves the absurd notion of farming Clarksons, where characters interact in delightfully ridiculous dialogue about these fictional creatures. The narrative features vintage models and funny descriptions of their personalities.

- **Environmental Commentary**: The sketch cleverly weaves in humorous jabs at environmental issues through comedic interactions among characters, touching on farming practices and the peculiarities of life on the island.
- **Pouring Sarcasm**: The sketch uses sarcasm heavily, especially in remarks about what happens to various "Clarksons" — from writing columns to potentially appearing on reality TV, before joking about the majority ending up on the obscure TV channel "Dave."
### Audience Engagement
This sketch not only showcases the comedic brilliance of Enfield and Whitehouse but also highlights the playful satire of British culture and media. It allows the audience to laugh at the absurdities of fame, environmental responsibility, and even the characteristics of British humor itself.
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