VIDEO Here's why THIS comparison is POINTLESS. M1 Ultra 64 core vs 12900k & RTX 3090


Cooler King
Staff member
Apr 15, 2009

Here's why the M1 Ultra vs. Intel 12900K and RTX 3090 comparison is not what it seems In a recent video titled "Here's why THIS comparison is POINTLESS. M1 Ultra 64 core vs 12900k & RTX 3090," the creator dives into the ongoing debates within the technology community over the performance of Apple's M1 Ultra chip compared to Intel's 12th-generation Core i9-12900K and NVIDIA's RTX 3090 graphics card. Many enthusiasts frequently engage in these comparisons, especially in light of Apple's aggressive marketing of its hardware.

Key Points Discussed​

  1. Comparison Validity: The video emphasizes that comparing the M1 Ultra, a system-on-a-chip (SoC) designed exclusively for Apple's ecosystem, against traditional PC parts like the i9-12900K and RTX 3090 can be misleading. The architecture and intended usage scenarios of these products differ significantly.
  2. Performance Metrics: Apple's M1 Ultra excels in specific workloads, particularly in applications optimized for Apple Silicon. However, the Intel and NVIDIA components are built for high-performance gaming and professional tasks, often providing better results in Windows-based applications.
  3. Use Cases: Discussions about performance need to be framed in context. For instance, while the M1 Ultra might handle video editing tasks effectively, the RTX 3090 might offer superior gaming performance. Understanding user requirements is crucial when evaluating hardware capabilities.
  4. Ecosystem Lock-In: A recurring theme is the lock-in that Apple creates through its integrated systems. Users committed to the Mac ecosystem may find it difficult to switch without losing software compatibility or functionality.
  5. Market Segmentation: The video also notes the distinct target markets for each component. Enthusiasts looking for gaming performance might not have much interest in the M1’s features, while Apple users might not need the raw power offered by a high-end PC setup.

    Relevance for Windows Users​

    For members of the community, this comparison sheds light on the broader dialogue surrounding system performance and user expectations. Understanding the limitations and advantages of each architecture can guide users in making informed hardware choices, whether they are gaming enthusiasts or professionals needing specific computational power.

    Concluding Thoughts​

    It’s essential to recognize that the comparisons drawn in the video serve more to highlight the marketing strategies of tech companies than to provide a clear picture of performance across different use cases. This perspective is particularly relevant for Windows users, highlighting the necessity for tailored evaluations based on individual needs and preferences. Check out the full video for a deeper understanding of the claims and the broader implications for both the Apple and Windows ecosystems. You can watch it here: M1 Ultra vs. 12900K & RTX 3090 .
